The mills of international law grind slowly, if they grind at all. Thirteen years after the bombing of the Jewish center in Buenos Aires in which 85 people were killed, Interpol makes its first move.
Despite heavy diplomatic pressure from Iran, delegates at the world police body's annual general assembly in Morocco voted by 66 percent in favor of issuing the "Red Notices" seeking the extradition of the wanted people, delegates said.But, as it goes in politics, expediency gets the upper hand.
Argentina ordered an international warrant last year for the arrest of former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and eight other Iranians on charges of masterminding the attack.And:
Interpol said in March that it would issue its own wanted notices against six people, leaving out Rafsanjani.So, the "moderate" darling of Juan Cole and other sorry sycophants gets scot-free.
Too bad.
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