I have to confess: for the purpose of this specific subject, I am not a right- or left-winger. I am an apolitical neuter, trying to make the ends meet and leaving it to them heavy dudes upstairs to solve the world problems. OK so far? Are you with me?
But the headline above with the picture beneath it have literally sent me for a barf. I just want to ask one Dan Balz, the author of this article: should Gore first save the planet and then go for the POTUS' job, or vice versa? Or, maybe, do both in parallel? There is still time enough, after all...
Have we, the modern people, got down to such level of gullibility, timidity, complacency and/or naivety that even sheep easily leave us standing?
OK, fine, I shall take a few deep breaths and try it again:
Can he s...
Update: Al Gore and the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.
Now the second stone was laid in the new church foundation.
Update: more here and here.
1 hour ago
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