27 November 2009

White Wedding Video

Are you going to enter the holy matrimony, to reach the ideal human state? Have you found the other missing half that will enable both of you to dwell in peace and tranquility? Or is it happening to your beloved daughter or that apple of your eye, your son?

Good and peachy. But on your way to that ceremony you are no doubt faced by many obstacles which, although purely material, can cause you a serious loss of sleep. The clothing, the caterers, the right tables and/or chairs, alcohol drinks (juices for some of you), not to mention the right pastor, imam, rabbi or a municipal big cheese, etc etc. The seating arrangements alone could drive you crazy...

Well, here is one item removed from the big pile of your worries:

These guys are professional, they do their job quietly and non-obtrusively and the result will be a High Definition video you will enjoy watching again and again and showing it to anyone who missed that memorable event.

All religious denominations and secular events covered all over UK.