According to the IDF spokesman, the objective is "to destroy the Hamas terror infrastructure in the area of operations" and "to take some of the launch areas used by Hamas".
Vague enough to serve any purpose.
May all our soldiers come home alive and well.
Update from CNN:
"We will defeat the army just like they were defeated before," Abu Thaer, spokesman for the military wing of Fatah - the al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - told the television network Al Jazeera. We will rub their noses in the sand. To the Arabs of 1948, today it is the time to act, to carry martyrdom operations in the heart of Israel. In case they will get in really on the ground, they will be taught a lesson that they will never forget. The Israeli army is the loser from ground operations in Gaza.You just have to love that flowery style. I just have to love that "like they were defeated before".
But then, we were defeated every time since 1948...