Does this story characterize some special abilities of IBM employees or tell us something new about the current trend in the cell phone sizes?
I don't know. I have been an IBM employee for quite a few years, but I don't remember any special training regarding safe storage of communication equipment in my digestive tract.
Oh, and the current phone I use is Galaxy Tab 7.7, and I doubt that even with IBM discipline...
So I am confused.
31 March 2014
"I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my ass during the hijack."
Is Putin going to "regain" Finland?
Anyone who considers the British Independent to be a reliable source should have his head examined. But the story is repeated by several other sources. Of course, an ex-chief economic adviser of Putin can't be considered a cast iron witness, but still:
After annexing Crimea and with troops massed on the border of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin will not stop trying to expand Russia until he has “conquered” Belarus, the Baltic states and Finland, one of his closest former advisers has said.Sounds bleak for Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
According to Andrej Illarionov, the President’s chief economic adviser from 2000 to 2005, Mr Putin seeks to create “historical justice” with a return to the days of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and the Soviet Union under Stalin.
Speaking to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, Mr Illarionov warned that Russia will argue that the granting of independence to Finland in 1917 was an act of “treason against national interests”.
Sounds bleak all around, actually.
Vanessa Paradis' sex tape uncensored
Is not of any interest here, and who is Vanessa P., by the way? Better watch this (click to embiggen first):
Ain't this bird beautiful?
30 March 2014
Peter Beinart on Russian and American neocons: an imaginary symmetry
Peter Beinart has written for The Atlantic a curios article, the real purpose of which is still unclear to me. The article is titled Vladimir Putin, Russian Neocon, which may give you a hint about the contents and subtitled: "How Russia's president resembles the American hawks who hate him most". The lede quite amply distills the contents.
This conclusion is supported by three different points of comparison:
1. Putin is obsessed with the threat of appeasement
Appeasement is, I strongly suspect, the main thread of the article, and we shall return to it at the end. However, trying to prove the symmetry of Russian (or Putin's) rejection of appeasement and the Western "hawks" rejection of same, prof Beinart is driven by linguistic similarities, disregarding the history of appeasement in Europe and United States. The appeasement during pre-WW II years, that cost many million lives in the end, the appeasement that allowed Soviet Union, China and lesser tyrants bloody suppression of dissent during the long post-WW II years, the appeasement that allows Syria and Iran butcher the Syrian population, that permits the travesty of the dictators' club pompously called United Nation - is it the same kind of appeasement that is being rejected by Putin?
Now pull the other one, prof Beinart.
As for the envy that, according to the author, some hawks feel toward Putin: I wouldn't want to argue against its existence. But if Americans today feel some envy looking at a decisive leader who doesn't dither, prevaricate and renege on promises and commitments - it must be difficult to judge them harshly.
2. Putin is principled—so long as those principles enhance national power
Beg pardon? This "principled" ex-KGB man will do what it takes to reach his goals and step on anyone who stands in his way. For many years his chief art (and occupation) was to isolate his most effective and outspoken rivals - from billionaire oligarchs to unruly reporters - and getting rid of them in a rich variety of methods all over the world. Now he turned his attention to expansion of Mother Russia under all kinds of unashamedly rude pretexts, not very different from the pre-WW II German acts of expansion. And prof Beinart calls this "principled"? Oh boy...
If this is not a cheap exercise in rhetoric, show me one, please.
3. Putin doesn’t understand economic power
Possibly, and I am not sure that Peter Beinart (or I for that matter) do fully understand the subject, both of us not being schooled in economics, as far as I am able to detect. One thing I know, though: try nurturing your economic power without being able to flex your military muscle, and let's see where it will get you in this world (that isn't very much invested in appeasement these days, at least not outside US and western Europe).
Now a general notice about the hawks that prof Beinart decries in the article. While the article itself operates mostly in some strange linguistic universe and is hardly supported by facts*, I would like to know one single thing about these menacing and frightening American hawks: how many square meters (OK, talk to me in square feet if you must) of foreign territory did they add to the territory of USA lately (or earlier, for that matter)?
On the other side of that imaginary equation: Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Crimea, Russian troops massing on the eastern borders of Ukraine with plans not very clear at the moment, but menacing nevertheless. Looks like USA hawks are rather ineffective, all things considered.
And nothing else needs to be argued, really. Still, being as much Jewish as prof Beinart, I would like to add a few bits and pieces to complete the picture. Let's start with comparison of mutual likes and dislikes of Russians and Americans.
Only a Quarter of Americans See Russia as an Enemy:
Since last November, the percentage viewing Russia as an adversary has risen eight points (from 18%) while the share saying it is a serious problem has increased seven points (from 36%). The number of Americans who do not think of Russia as much of a problem has fallen by almost half – from 40% then to 22% today.While the trend, shown in the picture below, is that more Americans are becoming concerned about Russia, it's still easy to see that the current level of concern is nothing compared to the situation 30 years ago:
Notwithstanding the better general opinion that Russians express about Americans (about 60% positive) than vice versa (only 37% of Americans hold a favorable opinion of Russia), there is a hard core of America haters in Russia that isn't matched by anything even remotely similar in US. Of course, as a bilingual surfer, I am in a better position to judge than professor Beinart, but I guess that striving for linguistic and other symmetries depraved him of his usual passion for objectivity anyway.
The Russian Internet, whether it reflects the state of mind of the general population or only that of the surfers, is choke full of expressions of hate, derision and rejection addressed by Russians at the general American population. Here is a typical, albeit expressed in better English, example of such hate:
Click on it, please, and read it all, it's an important human document, a true presentation of the above mentioned hard core haters' considered opinion.
And, since language takes an important part in prof Beinart's article, is prof Beinart aware that, unlike in US English, Russian language has several terms of abuse, aimed specifically at Americans? "Pindos" being the newest of them. I can tell you that (besides and beyond that above linked article), the term "Pindos", when pronounced in Russian, carries a few additional flavors I wouldn't dare go into in this post. And, as the Russian Wiki discloses:
By absolute frequency of invocation in the Internet environment, invectives for Americans ("Amerikos", "Pindos", "Yankees" - 1.1 million mentions) took the second place, behind the Ukrainians ("Khohol" - 1.2 million mentions) and ahead of the Jews ("Kikes"/"Zhidy" - 1.0 million mentions).Wow, ahead of "kikes" - that's not an easy feat in Russia, I can assure you.
All in all, I dare prof Beinart to find some symmetry in this too. And good luck. But as far as I know, American English doesn't include anything similar to "Pindos"...
I guess that prof Beinart, a student of history, knows all too well how easily a deft and manipulative ruler (sounds like Putin, doesn't it?) could turn the verbal violence into real, physical one, at will. Enough said - I hope.
It would have been all, if the end of the article weren't more disturbing than the rest of it. It starts with somewhat relaxing remark:
None of this is to suggest that American and Russian actions are morally equivalent. For all its errors and crimes, American foreign policy is restrained by our democratic political system in a way Russia’s is not.But the last sentence, that casual afterthought kind of turns the whole on its head:
Maybe “metrosexuality” and “mom jeans” aren’t so bad after all.It refers (sympathetically) to appeasement and to the appeasing ways of the current POTUS and his administration.
And it shows an interesting and very, very much disturbing trend. If you put together the "progressive" left, presented in this case by Peter Beinart, the quite strong paleoconservative stream in American politics and the good part of today's libertarians, lead by Rand Paul and his daddy: the powers of isolationism (or, at least, relentless appeasement) in today's USA are considerable indeed.
Where does it end?
(*) Unless you consider the timely (and somewhat sympathetic) references to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hamas in Gaza and the late Caudillo Chavez to be part of the factual basis of the article, of course.
Erdogan's illicit love affair, Twitter and Facebook in Turkey and his falsetto voice
Connect the dots, as they teach us to do in the Elders' training, and I always go out of my way to connect a few. In this case the dots were only too easy to connect.
First - a short piece in Hebrew, broadly hinting that we should expect a scoop: publication of a blazing sex tape, showing the Turkish chief with a beautiful journalist. The said journalist is threatening to sue anyone who dares, Erdogan denies and closes down Twitter and Facebook.
As for his newly acquired falsetto voice, described in the Hurryet article: obviously his spouse caught up... but connect that dot yourself, please.
Update: Aussie Dave has another explanation: the old trauma Erdogan received in 2010, when a horse kicked him in the unmentionables, is playing up:
But frankly, I like my version better.
29 March 2014
Russian Culture Minister, the extra chromosome and Tchaikovsky
Ho ho ho. As far as mysterious headlines are concerned, this one surely must be at the top, ain't it? But everything will be illuminated shortly. Starting with this:
Vladimir Medinsky, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation:
"I think that after all the disasters that hit Russia in the twentieth century, beginning with World War I and ending with the "Perestroika", the fact that Russia has been preserved and developed, proves that our people have one extra chromosome."The Hon. Minister of Culture isn't aware that an extra chromosome is a symptom of one of several serious disorders, one of which is Down Syndrome.
Prof Medinsky is also known to issue the following statements:
"There is no evidence that Tchaikovsky was a homosexual", Vladimir Medinsky told Interfax news agency, as he spoke about the biopic by acclaimed screenwriter Yuri Arabov.Beg your pardon? Evidence?
From here:
The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact "deserves a monument."
The U.S.S.R. never occupied the Baltic states, it just "incorporated" them.
An infamous picture of a Nazi-Soviet military parade in Poland in 1939 was "photoshopped."
Anti-Semitism in Tsarist Russia has been "greatly exaggerated."More on this natural treasure, including some details about his education and scientific "career" in this article. One quote from its last paragraph:
Perhaps the simplest explanation [re Medinsky and the job he got] is given by Vladimir Pribylovsky, head of the Moscow-based Panorama think tank. The Kremlin, he suggests, simply couldn't find anybody else. "It's not the kind of position that people fight for. It's not easy to find a person for this post," Pribylovsky says. "Perhaps there was a competition between fools and they simply chose the most patriotic one."In any case, there are all the good reasons to suspect that, unlike most of the Russian people, prof Medinsky got more than the normal share of chromosomes.
Council of Islamic Ideology recognizes superiority of homosexual relationships
Well, not directly, a self-respecting scholar never states anything in a simple straightforward way, but here it is:
The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) concluded their 192nd meeting on Thursday with the ruling that women are un-Islamic and that their mere existence contradicted Sharia and the will of Allah. As the meeting concluded CII Chairman Maulana Muhammad Khan Shirani noted that women by existing defied the laws of nature, and to protect Islam and the Sharia women should be forced to stop existing as soon as possible.Which, of course, leaves only one solution, unless one doesn't want to end up like this:
It is getting curiouser and curiouser...
The Council Has Spoken!
Council Winners
- *First place with 4 2/3 votes!-Joshuapundit-Obama Commends Abbas For ‘Consistently Renouncing Violence’ ???
- Second place with 2 2/3 votes –The Noisy Room – Note To Obama: This Is What Resistance and Courage Really Looks Like
- Third place with 1 2/3 votes -Liberty’s Spirit – Perpetually Politically Correct With No End to Being Butt Hurt
- Fourth place *t* with 1 1/3 votes –Bookworm Room – What I would say to UCSB’s Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs about Free Speech, blacks, and abortion
- Fourth place *t* with 1 1/3 votes –The Razor – Recommended Life Skills From A Nobody
- Fifth place with 1 vote –The Independent Sentinel – Obama’s Administration Is Rewriting the First Amendment in Plain Sight
- Sixth place *t* with 2/3 vote –Simply Jews – The slaves and their emperor: Russians’ adulation of Putin
- Seventh place *t* with 1/3 vote –Ask Marion – Newest Obama ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ Chapter
- Seventh place *t* with 1/3 vote –GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – The Israeli Solution
- Seventh place *t* with 1/3 vote –The Glittering Eye -A Difference Of Opinion
Non-Council Winners
28 March 2014
Chinese smuggler haircut a la Kim the Fatso: for all North Korean men?
And you thought that our life doesn't have a place for individual expression of a genius. Here you are:
Men in North Korea are now required to get the same haircut as their leader Kim Jong-un, it is reported.How about that:
The state-sanctioned guidelines were introduced in the capital Pyongyang about two weeks ago, media reports say. They are now being rolled out across the country - although some people have reservations about getting the look.
I think that this measure doesn't go far enough. So here are a few creative ideas for the leader:
1. First of all, not only the haircut: the facial expression, as presented in the above picture, should become mandatory as well. Every loyal NK citizen should train to carry this expression at all times, eating, sleeping and making love to officially approved partner (according to officially approved technique) included.
Since some of the people are handicapped in regard of their haircut options (for example, baldies) and some people have other disfigurements, both the hair style and the expression may present a technical issue. To resolve these problems, after some observation of the fearsome and glorious
Properly skinned and stretched, the face of that critter could be used as a mask for daily use, and its fur, cured and colored black, after a simple cutting will be indistinguishable from the dead animal on the head of the glorious Leader. Uniformity thus practically secured - forever or until further notice, whichever comes first.
2. Why is the measure restricted only to men? Methinks, if women are made to carry the same face and head cover as described in par. 1, it will make the life in NK even better.
3. When all this is said and done: why doesn't the glorious creep take his haircut with him, crawl into some sewer, curl up there and die? I bet it will be the only good thing he has ever done.
Update: the BBC story appears to be a hoax. However, my proposal #3 stays in force.
Rule 5 and a language issue
Regarding this picture (click on it to read the text):
My question is solely about my poor understanding of that language: shouldn't the "cheeky" mark be the top one? I mean... well, you surely know what I mean.
27 March 2014
A queue of joiners on Putin's porch is growing
Of course, most of us are joking about Vladimir Vladimirovich and his carefully nurtured and hitherto carefully concealed plans for restoration of the great empire. The jokes could come in different form and size, like that one, already published:
"How is our Alaska doing there?", says the caption.
Alaskans, however, being a nice bunch of folks, besides being hungry for entertainment, picked that joke up:
Moscow’s annexation of Crimea was condemned worldwide, but some people in Alaska apparently are yearning for the days when they, too, were part of Mother Russia.This petition is, almost surely, a joke (more about jokes later). Another call for joining the growing empire came from a totally unexpected direction: so called Palestinian Information (yeah, sure...) Center - a Hamas mouthpiece - published an article in Russian (I couldn't find an English version, so to save some time I have used a close enough report from Voice of Russia):
A petition on the White House website created by “S.V.” of Anchorage is calling on Alaskans and others to "vote" for Alaska to secede from the U.S. and become a part of Russia.
According to online reports, the treaty on Crimea being accepted into Russia has prompted the setting up of an initiative group that will draw up a proposal for the Palestinian enclave in Israel to hold a referendum on joining the Russian Federation, too. This is reported by the Russian-language version of the Palestinian Information Center.Etc. Of course, you may say, this is a joke too. Indeed, as one commenter succinctly expressed his attitude to the story elsewhere:
The initiative group comprises Russian nationals making their home in Gaza. These are mostly Russian women, totaling some 50,000, who have married Palestinian men but have retained their Russian passports, the report says.
The report quotes a group member as saying that "Moscow has said it will defend Russians anywhere in the world. Meanwhile, we live in a place where Israel has threatened our lives and those of our children for years on end. But if the Gaza Strip joined Russia, we would also have a well-protected border, up-to-date weapons, perhaps, even nuclear weapons [sic]. This would make Israel and Egypt speak with Palestinians differently, the activists feel.
They are absolutely unperturbed by the fact that Russia is far away from Gaza. They point out that Gibraltar or the Falkland Islands are also far away from the UK. The activists have no doubt about the outcome of this kind of referendum, the Information Centre points out.
That would be interesting. Although I don't see Putin tolerating this "Allah" fellow for very long.Yes, jokes are cool and hopefully will last us for years to come. However, let's not forget that there's a grain of truth in every joke. I bet that patricians in old Rome used to joke about the small and disorganized barbarian gangs. Just as well-to-do XX century Germans used to joke about that small man with a funny mustache. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Saudis about the POTUS: another bullseye
I would be the first to agree that by now being clever on account of the current WH and the current administration in general has become somewhat of a cheap kind of entertainment. I mean, after you have taken one shot at the fish in that barrel, how many more shots will keep you interested?
Still, Saudi prince with his flowery turn of phrase, has managed to do it in a fresh way:
We’ve seen several red lines put forward by the president, which went along and became pinkish as time grew, and eventually ended up completely white,” said Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former intelligence chief of Saudi Arabia.I would add that some of them lines have gotten yellowish a bit, what with the relentless Middle Eastern sun. But it would be just some icing on the cake and not really necessary.
Speaking about more icing on that cake, a good article on CNN by Peter Bergen about Saudis' disappointment with US of A.
And, speaking about Saudis: they are not alone in that sentiment. Nuff said...
Peruvian police arrest 60 Israeli tourists
And for a good reason, too, and I don't mean "drugs, alcohol and orgies". The other thing, though: the location - the archeological dig at Sacsayhuaman. And this:
Another report by volunteers working at the site stated that the Israeli youth had stolen artifacts found at the dig site and cans of spray-paint were discovered in their possession. The artifacts were reportedly discovered by the youth while they constructed illegal, makeshift shelters for the party...I am not saying "lock them up and throw away the keys". But a year (or two) of doing the menial work on that same site, helping out the archeologists could go a long way to "clear their mind"*.
(*) "Clear the mind" is a not very good translation (in the article) of the Israeli slang for after-army excesses our dear kids indulge in. Oh well, be that as it may, there are better ways, like that year or two at the digs...
Watcher’s Council Nominations – March Madness Edition
Council News:
The Council In Action!Liberty’s Spirit has a new article up at the Times of Israel, Rejecting God: Atheism and Autism
Nice Deb has a new piece up at Breitbart about a significant legal challenge to Obamacare, DC Circuit Court to Decide Tuesday Whether Obama Administration Can Rewrite Laws
Joshuapundit has a new piece up at the Times of Israel,What Caroline Glick’s One State Plan Unfortunately Misses
This week, MidKnight Review, The Pirate’s Cove, Maggie’s Notebook and Right Truth earned honorable mention status with some great articles.
You can, too! Want to see your work appear on the Watcher’s Council homepage in our weekly contest listing? Didn’t get nominated by a Council member? No worries.
To bring something to my attention simply head over to Joshuapundit and post the title a link to the piece you want considered along with an e-mail address ( which won’t be published) in the comments section no later than Monday 6PM PST in order to be considered for our honorable mention category. Then return the favor by creating a post on your site linking to the Watcher’s Council contest for the week when it comes out Wednesday morning
Simple, no?
It’s a great way of exposing your best work to Watcher’s Council readers and Council members. while grabbing the increased traffic and notoriety. And how good is that, eh?
So, without further ado, let’s see what we have this week….
Council Submissions
- Liberty’s Spirit – Perpetually Politically Correct With No End to Being Butt Hurt
- The Colossus of Rhodey – Captain America’ franchise has the potential to be a lefty’s wet dream
- The Noisy Room – Note To Obama: This Is What Resistance and Courage Really Looks Like
- Joshuapundit-Obama Commends Abbas For ‘Consistently Renouncing Violence’ ???
- Ask Marion – Newest Obama ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ Chapter
- Simply Jews – The slaves and their emperor: Russians’ adulation of Putin
- The Razor – Recommended Life Skills From A Nobody
- GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – The Israeli Solution
- The Right Planet – Another ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax
- The Independent Sentinel – Obama’s Administration Is Rewriting the First Amendment in Plain Sight
- Nice Deb – Hobby Lobby vs Sebelius Goes Before the Supreme Court
- The Glittering Eye -A Difference Of Opinion
- VA Right! - Slating Thwarted in Henrico with Strong Grassroots Turnout. Cantor Suffers Significant Blow
- Rhymes With Right – Harris County Republicans PAC Seeks To Mislead Harris County (And Other) Voters —
- Bookworm Room – What I would say to UCSB’s Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs about Free Speech, blacks, and abortion
Honorable Mentions
- MidKnight Review – The Surrender of the Internet and a primary Conservative concern
- Maggie’s Notebook – Sharia Compliant Wills Hit Britain for 1st Time: You Think It Can’t Happen Here?
- The Pirate’s Cove – UN’s WMO Blames Cold And Snow On Global Warming
- Right Truth – Mark Twain said, “”Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness…” –
Non-Council Submissions
26 March 2014
Odessa Jews about Crimea and more
Two Jews meeting on the Odessa street.
- Say, Chaim, did they have a referendum in Crimea?
- Yes.
- And what are the results?
- 97% voted to join Russia.
- And why would these 97% want to do this?
- Because they were oppressed by the other 3%.
- No, you don't say!
- You better believe it, Moishe, because Russians over there in Russia also say they suffered a lot from these 2% of Jews...
- You know, Meyer, I try not to speak Russian in the street anymore.
- Why is that, Reuven, are you afraid that these Ukrainian patriots will clean your clock?
- Nope, I am afraid that the Russians will come over to help me out.
And on a related subject. An Ukrainian naval base in Crimea is surrounded by Russian soldiers. The Russian officer is calling over to the Ukrainian commander.
- Surrender!
- Nah...
- Then start shooting!
- Nah...
- Oh well, at least let us in to warm up, it is cold like Siberia out here. Let us sleep in your barracks, be a man!
- Er... dunno... Well, OK, but for 90 bucks per head!
- Are you mad, why it is so expensive?
- Well, for sure you understand that Crimea is a resort area...
To better understand the references to Odessa, here is a map:
Odessa is circled in blue, Crimea in red. Then browse through this.
Hat tip: Y.Z.
25 March 2014
What I think about Jimmy Carter thinking that his mail was perused by NSA
I think that if this is true, NSA jobs are much more hazardous for its employees' mental health than government salaries allow. That will be all, folks.
P.S. No, it is not all, it appears. Jimmuh has more insights to share (thanks to Peter The Hungarian):
But to force the Arab people to say that all the Arab people that they have in Israel have to be Jews, I think that’s going too far.Truly a great man. Or a monument to a great man that just didn't materialize. Cause of them NSA mind-bending rays. Or whatever.
24 March 2014
Forum: What Is The Meaning Of ‘Spirituality’ To You?
Every week on Monday morning , the Watcher’s Council and our
invited guests weigh in at the Watcher’s Forum, short takes on a major
issue of the day, the culture, or daily living. This week’s question:What Is The Meaning Of ‘Spirituality’ To You?
23 March 2014
The slaves and their emperor: Russians' adulation of Putin
Presiding over a stuttering economy and (slowly but surely) aging and dying population, with smoldering under the ashes societal issues that looked to be threatening his throne, Vladimir Vladimirovich has found a trump card that raised his popularity to unimaginable height. Western media went slack-jawed at the wondrous show of support. That card was, of course, his swift Anschluss-style annexation of Crimea. A typical sentence from a USA press:
Russian President Vladimir Putin's annexation of Ukraine's breakaway republic of Crimea has stunned the international community, but support for his actions in Russia suggest there is certain logic to what he is doing that no amount of sanctions or threats of isolation will overturn: bolstering popularity back home.
Indeed, the skillful use of cheap patriotism by Vladimir Vladimirovich caused an unprecedented wave of nationalistic enthusiasm.
The mood in Moscow on Tuesday was supportive of the annexation, with Russian flags hanging out of windows and strangers congratulating each other on what they referred to as a "holiday."At the moment this wave seems to be overwhelming and drowning any dissenting voices. Journalists that dare voice a contrary opinion on the latest "liberation" move are ostracized, denigrated and even threatened physically in some cases. The ultra-nationalistic movements, hitherto quietly restrained, their activities curbed, are ruling the streets. Protesters are being dealt with swiftly and forcefully.
And, of course, the media outlets that don't toe the line, are getting a swift and merciless punishment, as it could be seen in this clip (by Al Jazeera, sorry to say):
Everyone is asking nowadays what will be the next move of the "liberator". And where does he plan to stop (seeing as the Western token protest and feeble economic measures don't seem to impact his plans)?
As for the first question, the most likely target to join Russia is the tiny de facto "sovereign state" of Pridnestrovie(Transnistria), that has broken away from the ex-Soviet republic of Moldova in 1990 and exists only thanks to not very generous Russian assistance and more generous Russian military presence. Having a high percentage of ethnic Russians, Pridnestrovie has already overwhelmingly voted to join mother Russia several years ago, but so far their entreaties weren't met by a warm embrace from Moscow. It may change now, with Putin being quite happy with the first empire expansion step. Of course, being a consummate politico, Putin will try to time this next step according to his best interests. Such as a serious drop in the polls, when the sobered Russians discover the economic damage caused by the Crimean adventure...
Regarding the second question - re further Putin's expansionist plans - my guess will be that they are limited and are not really meant to recreate the Russian empire or the Soviet Union in its past geographic glory. Putin would rather chip off a few bits and pieces here and there, skillfully using each piece to promote his own internal popularity and in no way is he going to go far enough to change the pattern of Western anemic protests and chance a real confrontation. Not that he has to worry too much about the latter, as the things look at the moment.
As for the Russian people: their chauvinistic ecstasy is a bitter surprise. Obviously it takes more than just puny twenty years to instill democracy in a nation that never knew democracy at all. And, with apologies to my reader, I just have to do it. Follows a very relevant quote from a person who started it all. Enjoy.
"...Никто не повинен в том, что он родился рабом; но раб, который не только чуждается стремлений к своей свободе, но оправдывает и приукрашивает свое рабство (например, называет удушение Польши, Украины и т. д. «защитой отечества» великороссов), такой раб есть вызывающий законное чувство негодования, презрения и омерзения холуй и хам..."
В. И. Ленин, "О национальной гордости великороссов"
ПСС, том 26, стр. 106-108
"... No one is to blame for the fact that he was born a slave, but a slave who not only eschews a striving for freedom, but justifies and embellishes his slavery (for example, calls the strangulation of Poland, Ukraine, etc. "defense of the fatherland ")*, such a slave is a flunky and a boor that deserves a legitimate feeling of indignation, contempt and disgust... "
V.I. Lenin, "On the National Pride of the Great Russians"
Collected Works, Volume 26, pages 106-108
(*) Interestingly, the quote used here appears in many Internet sources, however the mention of Poland and Ukraine is missing in many of the quotations...
Update: Just received this via email (thanks to L.G.):
22 March 2014
Obama Ranked 5th Best President In American History
New study ranks Obama as 5th best President in history. Hard to disagree... #AggieJoke
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) March 20, 2014
By Nice Deb.
U. S. A.
Sorry, guys and gals... This video contains English subtitles, but won't actually tell an awful lot to someone who didn't spend a fair portion of 1970s in the good ol'd USSR.
Dear Snoopy... This one is for you. Who said time machine was pure fiction???
January Jones naked uncensored
Is of a slight interest to this here blog, not to mention the name being unfamiliar to this ignorant blogger. However, some other birds are, and you get an opportunity to watch one and to relax, just by clicking on the picture to enlarge it:
I bet you feel better now and not as willing to surf like mad in the vain search for Ms Jones.
21 March 2014
Vladimir Putin: an opportunist or a clever strategist?
Strangely (or rather not), the question doesn't come from me, but from Tom Lister, the author of that CNN article. The full text of the sentence where the question is asked:
Is Russian President Vladimir Putin an opportunist, grabbing at chances to poke the West in the eye, or a clever strategist with the longer-term goal of restoring a greater Russia?I am stumped trying to understand Mr Lister. Really.
Is there any contradiction between being a "clever strategist" and poking the West where it hurts? Did the venerable Sun Tzu ever object to a bit of poking one's enemy in the eye?
Unless, of course, that kind of poking is considered politically incorrect nowadays. But I wouldn't know. Or care, for that matter.
The Council Has Spoken!
Council Winners
- *First place with 5 1/3 votes!Joshuapundit –‘Nice Little Jewish State Ya Got There..Shame If Anything Were to Happen To It’
- Second place with 1 2/3 votes –The Noisy Room – Internet Control — Keys To The Kingdom
- Third place *t* with 1 1/3 votes –The Razor – Putin’s Man In The White House
- Third place *t* with 1 1/3 votes – Bookworm Room – The anti-bossy campaign is just the latest example of the Left’s obsession with gender, sex, and sexuality as a way of remaking society
- Fourth place with 1 vote –GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – Air/Sea Battle II
- Fifth place *t* with 2/3 vote –VA Right! - I Still Love My Country, But Thanks to Obama, I Am Embarrassed for America
- Fifth place *t* with 2/3 vote –The Right Planet – The World’s Slide Towards the ‘Second October Revolution’
- Fifth place *t* with 2/3 vote –Nice Deb – Ron Fournier: POTUS May Be In The Middle Of “Full Blown Constitutional Crisis” (Video)
- Fifth place *t* with 2/3 vote –Liberty’s Spirit – The Importance of the Words “Jewish State”
- Sixth place *t* with 1/3 vote – Simply Jews – Vladimir Vladimirovich, please liberate us!
- Fifth place *t* with 1/3 vote – The Independent Sentinel – Boeing Believes Flight MH370 Is In Taliban Territory in Pakistan – Updates
Non-Council Winners
Crimea and Goebbels' dream: Russians still are able to joke
The caption: "My Fuhrer, I dreamed that Russia attacked Ukraine and Germany demands to stop the war".
19 March 2014
Watcher’s Council Nominations – Putinmania Edition
Council Submissions
- Simply Jews – Vladimir Vladimirovich, please liberate us!
- Liberty’s Spirit – The Importance of the Words “Jewish State”
- The Noisy Room – Internet Control — Keys To The Kingdom
- The Glittering Eye -Ten Years
- Ask Marion – Missing Plane… But What Is Behind the Curtain?
- Joshuapundit-‘Nice Little Jewish State Ya Got There..Shame If Anything Were to Happen To It’
- The Razor – Putin’s Man In The White House
- Bookworm Room – The anti-bossy campaign is just the latest example of the Left’s obsession with gender, sex, and sexuality as a way of remaking society
- The Colossus of Rhodey – Once again, the local MSM cannot find a better example for pulling at the heartstrings
- GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – Air/Sea Battle II
- The Right Planet – The World’s Slide Towards the ‘Second October Revolution’
- Nice Deb – Ron Fournier: POTUS May Be In The Middle Of “Full Blown Constitutional Crisis” (Video)
- VA Right! - I Still Love My Country, But Thanks to Obama, I Am Embarrassed for America
- The Independent Sentinel – Boeing Believes Flight MH370 Is In Taliban Territory in Pakistan – Updates
- Rhymes With Right – Concerned About The Wrapper But Not What’s Inside?
Honorable Mentions
- David Gerstman/Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion – Obama, Harper and Cameron in Israel: Three Speeches, Two Friends
- Maggie’s Notebook – ATF Tells Ares Armor to Hand Over Customer List or Lose Everything: Owner Dimitrios Karras Fights Back
- The Pirate’s Cove – Romney: “Able leaders anticipate events…”
- Boker Tov Boulder – Sandra Korn, This Is For You.
- The Political Commentator – Obama Breakfast Cereal
Non-Council Submissions
15 March 2014
UN Security Council is concerned...
with the situation in Ukraine. The reason of the agitation: so far no possible cause to blame Israel for this was found.
The Council Has Spoken!
Council Winners
- *First place with 3 1/3 votes!- The Right Planet – Bill Maher’s Bulls**t
- Second place with 2 2/3 votes –Joshuapundit-The Mysterious Case Of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370
- Third place *t* with 1 2/3 votes –The Noisy Room – A Russian Buffet Of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Moments
- Third place *t* with 1 2/3 votes –Bookworm Room – Proposed changes to the SAT show that the Left is gaming the system to bring egalitarianism to the inegalitarian world of higher education
- Third place *t* with 1 2/3 votes –Liberty’s Spirit – From “War on Women” to the New Inane, “Ban the word Bossy”
- Fourth place *t* with 2/3 vote –The Colossus of Rhodey – Evil Is ‘Very Relative’
- Fourth place *t* with 2/3 vote –Ask Marion – Fomenting Revolution in the Ukraine
- Fourth place *t* with 2/3 vote –The Independent Sentinel – Chilling: President Obama Threatened Several Governors This Week
- Fifth place *t* with 1/3 vote –Simply Jews – Apropos Crimea…
- Fifth place *t* with 1/3 vote –The Glittering Eye -When Branches of Government Collide
- Fifth place *t* with 1/3 vote –GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – New World Disorder
Non-Council Winners
13 March 2014
09 March 2014
Begging off for two weeks
Blogging will be light for the next two weeks. Practically nil. But keep watching Vladimir Vladimirovich and other shady characters, please!
Vladimir Vladimirovich, please liberate us!
This article was written by Roman Romanenko, a Russian journalist for Moscow's Echo*. Follows a Google translation, with a slight nudge or two from me.
Our address to V.V. Putin.
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
We've learned that you want to send troops to the Crimea, to protect the rights of Russian-speaking population.
In this regard, we have a big request - to send troops to the Vologda. We're almost all Russian-speaking here and our very rights are infringed. Our sick can not get the drugs and treatment they need, the level of our education falls every year, kindergartens and children's enrichment sections are closing, agriculture is virtually destroyed. We all suffer.
And the usurpers, who seized power in fraudulent elections, do nothing for the subject population. They spend the money on themselves, on their PR, their offices, country houses, purchase of apartments and air charters.
We'll be very grateful and guarantee that there will be no guerrilla war against the liberators. Yes, and international sanctions, for sure, will not follow.
We have learned that you are going to spend a lot of money to normalize life in the Crimea. It is a bit embarrassing, but we have to ask whether it is possible to spend the money on the normalization of life in the Vologda. Because we are in such a debt hole that there is no money for anything. And we really need bridges, roads, sports facilities, industrial parks, new jobs ...
With respect and hope for liberation, Russian-speaking residents of the Vologda region.
By now, you may have already realized that this is (kind of) a spoof, because Vologda is one of the central provinces of Russia (click on the map below to embiggen).
However, while the request for troops is a sham, all the rest is not. Unfortunately.
(*) And the article may easily fall under the new draconian censorship law.
P.S. Citizen of Tver province came out with a similar call to Putin. No time for translation, but the idea is identical.
08 March 2014
No, Putin is not Hitler, recalibrates Hillary
According to this. And I, for once, find myself in total agreement with the lady.
And in general, "you are not Hitler" could be a great conversation starter. Imagine using that on your friends:
- - Hey, Jim, you are no Hitler.
- - How do, Bob, you are totally unlike Hitler today.
- - Morning, Tanya, you are not Hitler for sure, although I wanted to discuss with you that mustache for quite some time...
The last argument
Dear Ms ...
Please keep in mind that if you die a virgin, you will end up in the section of paradise allocated to Muslim martyrs.
The Council Has Spoken!
Council Winners
- *First place with 2 2/3 votes! Joshuapundit–The Ukraine Folk Dance And What It Really Means
- Second place *t* with 2 1/3 votes Bookworm Room–A story showing everything that’s wrong with bureaucracies: rules have replaced morals and human decency
- Third place with 2 votes –The Right Planet – So You Want a Con-Con, Huh?
- Fourth place with 1 2/3 vote – The Independent Sentinel – The Government Is Using Covert Operatives to Manipulate and Destroy People on the Internet
- Fourth place *t* with 1 1/3 votes –The Noisy Room – The Clear And Present Danger of Russian Expansionism
- Fourth place *t* with 1 1/3 votes –The Razor – Class is In Session for Obama
- Fifth place with 1 vote –Simply Jews – Western world and Ukraine: peacemakers for bandits?
- Sixth place *t* with 2/3 vote –VA Right! - What the Obamacare Numbers are NOT Telling Us – How Many Policies Have Been Bound?
- Sixth place *t* with 2/3 vote – Nice Deb – Spoiler Alert: New Liam Neesan Movie “Non-Stop” Is anti-American Garbage – NYC Audience Groaned When Villain Revealed
- Sixth place *t* with 2/3 vote –Ask Marion – Did Sarah Palin Predict Russia Invading Ukraine If Obama Got Elected?…
- Seventh place *t* with 2/3 vote –The Glittering Eye -The Stupidest Advice
- Seventh place *t* with 2/3 vote –Liberty’s Spirit – Bibi Needs to Keep the Ukraine in Mind this Week
Non-Council Winners
07 March 2014
Apropos Crimea...
"How is our Alaska doing there?", says the caption.
P.S. 1.4% of Alaskan population is Russian. And every single one in dire need of protection...
BBC, CNN, ... : a happy family of politically correct clones
I have read the CNN article Israel intercepts ship with weapons headed to Gaza before stumbling on BBC Watch post BBC employs smoke and mirrors in report on Iranian weapons smuggling ship. After reading the latter, I remembered the former and got back to check it out again in the light what the BBC Watch writer said.
Guess what: same difference. I would even dare say that the liberal (no pun intended) use of quotation marks by CNN somewhat overtakes that by BBC.
All is left to be grateful for is that they don't yet use quotation marks in word combinations like Israel Defense Forces, Israeli navy, Israeli Prime Minister. Just imagine:
- "Israel" "Defence" "Forces"
- "Israeli" "Navy"
- "Israeli" "Prime Minister"
"Anti-Russian" article = crime against the state
I wanted to say that reading an article in Izvestia, I felt the smell of sulfur. But no, upon second thought. It was rather a curious mix of sulfur, burning fragrance candles (or whatever Inquisitors used at the time) and poorly cured leather of Soviet jackboots, NKVD issue.
OK, enough lyrical asides, here comes a quick and dirty translation of the first two paragraphs from that article, titled Anti-Russian articles by journalists will be considered a crime against the state.
State Duma member Yevgeny Fyodorov ("United Russia") is preparing a draft law on amendments to the Administrative and Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as amendments to the laws against terrorism and extremism. According to the author of the amendments, the purpose of the amendments is to establish administrative and criminal liability for media executives, "which allow publication of false anti-Russian information, provide information and support to extremist and separatist anti-Russian forces, including the coverage of events beyond the borders of Russia."Now, my dear reader, what do you smell?
The reason for the introduction of the bill is multiple publications in the Russian media, in which the authors, according to the MP, used incorrect historical analogies and interpretation of events in Russia and the Ukraine coup.
06 March 2014
Aggression, unopposed, becomes a contagious disease,
said the president.
Oh my, oh my... we do learn on the job, after all. So why is the third term in White House out of the question? When Putin gobbles up California, some excuses could be found, but Illinois... nah, the POTUS wouldn't stand for it.
I am pretty sure, that is.
Assistance to Gaza from two different directions: Tehran and Medea Benjamin
I don't want to connect the dots, but the timing of these two failed attempts to lend a helping hand to Hamas is speaking for itself. You be the judge.
First of all, the IDF naval commandos from Shayetet 13 had a successful fishing trip in the Red Sea: an Iranian arms shipment headed for the Gaza Strip.
(The soldier whose feet got in the frame should be chastised by his sergeant anyway, re the deplorable state of his shoes, what with CNN watching like an eagle...)
And, on the other side of Gaza, in Egypt, the chicken-brained founder of Code Pink, one Medea Benjamin "had spent a day in a cold Egyptian jail pen" (according to her) and had her arm broken (according to her), both acts committed before she was sent away.
(As a totally unrelated remark: I would vastly prefer to handle these Syrian/Iranian missiles in any quantity than to deal with this raving lunatic, so my sincere sympathy to the Egyptian security folks who had that pleasure).
So there: we report, you decide...
Posted by
Labels: Fun , Middle East , Stupidity , Terrorism
Dubai police chief Dahi Khalfan Tamim: one of us, after all!
I don't know whether many of you remember the fiery police chief and his stated intention to arrest all of the Israeli population in that mystery of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, the hapless Hamas operative and his wondrous death, caused simultaneously by suffocation, electrocution, two different ways of poisoning, tasering and unbridled wild sex. Not to mention the preliminary torture (self-torture?).
Anyhow, the whole story and its amazing twists, turns and zigzags could be explained anew in the light of the latest news coming from Dubai.
Dubai police claimed Lebanese terror group Hezbollah was behind a Monday bombing in the outskirts of Bahrain’s capital Manama that resulted in the deaths of three policemen, one of them an officer from the United Arab Emirates deployed to help bolster security in the tiny island kingdom. According to Dubai police chief Dahi Khalfan Tamim, the culprit behind the attack had traveled to Lebanon several times over the past years and had been trained by Hezbollah operatives.So, it is obvious now to an untrained eye of a news reader that Mr Tamim didn't really intend to find the culprits in that old case, deliberately sowing misleading information and making ridiculous statements twice a day. While all the time doing solid police (and Mossad too) work, uncovering the mayhem caused by Hezbollah and similar.
Nice to know. And more power to Dubai police chief Dahi Khalfan Tamim!
Nick Cohen shoots, Nick Cohen scores
A great slap on the face of the Mastermind of the Century. And kudos to Nick.
Watcher’s Council Nominations – Bear Facts Edition
Council Submissions
- Liberty’s Spirit – Bibi Needs to Keep the Ukraine in Mind this Week
- The Noisy Room – The Clear And Present Danger of Russian Expansionism
- Joshuapundit-The Ukraine Folk Dance And What It Really Means
- Ask Marion – Did Sarah Palin Predict Russia Invading Ukraine If Obama Got Elected?…
- Simply Jews – Western world and Ukraine: peacemakers for bandits?
- The Razor – Class is In Session for Obama
- GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – How Realism Failed with Russia
- VA Right! - What the Obamacare Numbers are NOT Telling Us – How Many Policies Have Been Bound?
- The Right Planet – So You Want a Con-Con, Huh?
- Bookworm Room – A story showing everything that’s wrong with bureaucracies: rules have replaced morals and human decency
- The Independent Sentinel – The Government Is Using Covert Operatives to Manipulate and Destroy People on the Internet
- Nice Deb – Spoiler Alert: New Liam Neesan Movie “Non-Stop” Is anti-American Garbage – NYC Audience Groaned When Villain Revealed
- Rhymes With Right – Proposed Resolutions For Republican Precinct Conventions
- The Glittering Eye -The Stupidest Advice
- The Colossus of Rhodey – If She Wins, The Country Is Already Down The Tubes
Honorable Mentions
- The Mellow Jihadi – Irving Milchberg Sep 15 1927 ~ January 26 2014
- The Pirate’s Cove – A Pause In Warming Doesn’t Disprove Human Caused Hotcoldwetdry Or Something
- Victory Girls – A Message to the Patriots in Connecticut
- The Lonely Conservative – Ezekial Emanuel Is Really Looking Forward To The Demise Of Insurance Companies
Non-Council Submissions
05 March 2014
There are no Russian soldiers in Crimea. Forget it.
Because all you have heard and seen before is an optical illusion. So say Putin and Lavrov.
On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that none of Russia’s forces have moved into the Crimean Peninsula, drawing a stunned reaction from Kerry.Move along, ladies and gentlemen, nothing to see here. Case closed.
Lavrov reiterated Putin’s claims on Wednesday. Asked if Russia could order the troops in the Crimea region back to their bases, Lavrov told a reporter in Madrid: “If you mean the self-defense units created by the inhabitants of Crimea, we give them no orders, they take no orders from us,” according to Reuters.
P.S. "Inhabitants"? Did he mean "natives"? Or "aborigines"?
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey and the art of misrepresentation
1. A misleading falsehood
2. A willful perversion of facts
A tough word that. Not the toughest, mind you, but early in the morning, before the caffeine started to spread through the old blood vessels, it is a challenge. So when I've stumbled on a Pravda piece titled The Misrepresentation of Sochi in the Western Media, I was kinda intrigued. The author, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, is not a stranger to this blog. Being as he is a past master of the Pravda style misrepresentation, I've expected the article to provide some hands-on advice to beginners.
But no, the article is one long lament about the execrable coverage of the Sochi Olympic Games by American press. It starts with the sweeping:
Surprise, surprise, surprise. The US media almost without exception concentrated on toilets, light bulbs, stray dogs as much as, or more than, the sport, the celebration, the party and the spectacle which is Sochi, the XXII Winter Olympic Games. It comes as no surprise that the showing of the Opening Ceremony in the USA was a study in manipulation.So why should I raise that article from the dead almost a month after it was published? Because of another passage in it, pregnant with meaning and foreboding.
Usually the passion and general temperature of Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey's articles tend to rise toward the end, culminating in a paragraph or two of Wagnerian righteous rage. That one is no exception, and the third paragraph from the end carries a sublime passage:
Russian security forces, like their American counterparts, work daily to help protect the lives of ordinary citizens and their right to go about their daily lives without being confronted by some demonic maniac yelling Allahu Akhbar and going to meet his virgins. The difference is that Russia does not invade foreign lands and conduct a foreign policy which walks hand-in-hand with terrorism.Yeah. It is March 4, 2014 right now, and some Russian soldiers are busy like little bees, providing brotherly assistance to the oppressed Russian citizens of Crimea as we speak. Talk about "misrepresentation " some more, folks. Please...
And notice that I didn't even mention the hilarious finale of that article:
How if anyone in the USA these days believes a word their media tell them anyway, given that most people have access to the Net and to places where they can read the truth, like Pravda.Ru.Pravda means truth, after all, as we all know by now.
Update: fresh from the press, a new opus by Bankrupt-Hinchey, the servant of Pravda/Truth:
Before we have another display of butt-faced ignorance, pig-headed arrogance and unadulterated, jingoistic, xenophobic and chauvinistic bilge from Mr. Kerry and his NATO sidekicks, let us make one thing crystal clear...Etc. This is Pravda's answer to critics of Crimean invasion... oh well.
04 March 2014
Crimea Mulls Switch to Moscow Time - I wonder why...
This headline of RIA - Russian Information Agency Novosti - is placed under the topic: Turbulence in Ukraine. Does it mean that Russians are still hesitating whether Crimea still belongs to Ukraine? Or are they just playing the farce out till the formal declaration of annexation I mean Crimean decision to join the brotherhood of autonomous, semi-autonomous and all these other kinds of virtual entities so familiar from Soviet times?
This schizophrenic indecision should continue for a few days, I guess. Meanwhile the pictures continue to come in, including ones from the Russian media:
In this picture you can see that, notwithstanding the part where Crimea conducts a referendum and declares self an independent state, to be able to formally ask Russia to accept it as a new whatever, Crimeans are running the Russian flag (in the background) together with the Crimean one over the building of their Rada (the Ukrainian name for the parliament, to be changed to the Russian "Duma" quite soon, I guess).