And for a good reason, too, and I don't mean "drugs, alcohol and orgies". The other thing, though: the location - the archeological dig at Sacsayhuaman. And this:
Another report by volunteers working at the site stated that the Israeli youth had stolen artifacts found at the dig site and cans of spray-paint were discovered in their possession. The artifacts were reportedly discovered by the youth while they constructed illegal, makeshift shelters for the party...I am not saying "lock them up and throw away the keys". But a year (or two) of doing the menial work on that same site, helping out the archeologists could go a long way to "clear their mind"*.
(*) "Clear the mind" is a not very good translation (in the article) of the Israeli slang for after-army excesses our dear kids indulge in. Oh well, be that as it may, there are better ways, like that year or two at the digs...