This headline of RIA - Russian Information Agency Novosti - is placed under the topic: Turbulence in Ukraine. Does it mean that Russians are still hesitating whether Crimea still belongs to Ukraine? Or are they just playing the farce out till the formal declaration of annexation I mean Crimean decision to join the brotherhood of autonomous, semi-autonomous and all these other kinds of virtual entities so familiar from Soviet times?
This schizophrenic indecision should continue for a few days, I guess. Meanwhile the pictures continue to come in, including ones from the Russian media:
In this picture you can see that, notwithstanding the part where Crimea conducts a referendum and declares self an independent state, to be able to formally ask Russia to accept it as a new whatever, Crimeans are running the Russian flag (in the background) together with the Crimean one over the building of their Rada (the Ukrainian name for the parliament, to be changed to the Russian "Duma" quite soon, I guess).