The details of the story are here. The author is well known and popular in France and has more ideas in this direction.
Well, I wouldn't tell what exactly and where Dieudonné should suck on. And that donkey doesn't have to be Jewish, but for the purpose it better be a dead one.
1 minute ago
What a pieceof shit Dieudonne is. The film is a new low even for him.
As for the donkey member, I wouldn't be ramming it into his mouth and I would go easy on the vaseline too!
The worst part about this story is that this creep isn't the vilest anti-semite out there. He's just outspoken. Spokesperson of european anti-semitism.
Good idea, I say.
As to the degree of vileness, I wouldn't argue. As for myself, I tend not to get into too many shades in this business...
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