A temporary solution was achieved in the commencing war between Lebanon and Israel regarding the issue of maritime borders. According to the solution, FM Lieberman - bouncer par excellence - and Hezbollah chief underground/underwater expert Hassan Nasrallah will settle the issue, meeting underwater close to disputed area. Here is a recording of the preliminary meeting. Warning: adult content, please don't let your kids watch beyond first 35 seconds!
The decisive meeting of the two is set for next week. Bets are accepted by all major betting enterprises and bookies. At the moment the rate is 7:1, favoring Nasrallah due to his outstanding underground experience. However, Lieberman is issuing war cries at an impressive pitch and volume, so there is no telling...
44 minutes ago
I'd pay good money to see this. :-D
Consider it arranged.
There is an easier way. Let Lebanon try to drill and then let Israel blow them out of the water. Keep doing it until:
1. They run out of drilling platforms.
2. They run out of ships.
3. They throw Hizbullah out of the country.
I know talk is cheap, but you cannot believe any agreement an Arab signs with you.
Much less likely to start a war if their drilling platforms are degraded from underneath and (mysteriously) collapse. Same with propellers on their ships, a la the Ship of Tools in Athens. Not as dramatic but still gets the job done.
That an idea worth follow-thru.
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