Inter-departmental memo
Elder's HQ
To: Internal Security mgr.
Fm: Hasbarah dept mgr.
CC: Inhuman Resources dept. mgr.
Date: _____________
Subject: Sensitive information leakage.
It will be a short one this time, just take a look at this:
I have only two points to make on the above:
- Did I or didn't I tell you that your bright idea to install CCTV in the offices to find out who steals the silverware and the napkins from the officers' cantina is crap?
- Did I or didn't I tell you that your push for the Al Quds Catering Ltd. as our food supplier is bound to end in tears? Equal opportunity - shmequal opportunity notwithstanding? You want the best humus in the Middle East - get your fat ass off your chair and go buy it outside for all I care.
My recommendation for your transfer to the latrine detail for the rest of your service attached.
Yours [censored]
Hat tip Israellycool.