01 March 2009

A surprise from Jerusalem (Post)

What do you know? Today it's started to snow in Jerusalem. They say the snow is mixed with rain and wouldn't hold, so the kids are rather disappointed, but still - it's snowing.

In line with this natural wonder, JP decided to surprise me:

Operation Cast Lead saw the world's media protest against a purported ban on coverage, when in fact Gazan stringers were freely reporting from their perspective, and Israel was preventing even the most independent-minded of reporters from establishing an accurate and credible narrative.
Yep, and in an editorial, no less. You can say that again. Here it goes:
Operation Cast Lead saw the world's media protest against a purported ban on coverage, when in fact Gazan stringers were freely reporting from their perspective, and Israel was preventing even the most independent-minded of reporters from establishing an accurate and credible narrative.