17 December 2012

Copenhagen: Jews and policemen, beware

The first category mentioned above is not a big surprise for anyone who watches the news from Northern Europe - the cradle of most progressive, semi-socialist and politically correct regimes. So this is quite an old news:

Israel’s ambassador to Denmark reportedly warned Jews to avoid being identified as such in Copenhagen.

“We advise Israelis who come to Denmark and want to go to the synagogue to wait to don their skull caps until they enter the building and not to wear them in the street, irrespective of whether the areas they are visiting are seen as being safe,” Amb. Arthur Avnon is quoted as telling AFP on Wednesday. The news agency reported that Avnon also advised visitors not to "speak Hebrew loudly" or demonstrably wear Star of David jewelry.
As a small consolation (is it?), another group of folks considers itself endangered species:
We have confronted police about this, but the answer we got is that there are areas of Copenhagen where they cannot walk around in uniform -- which is no answer at all, but rather an indication of how chaotic the situation has become.
There is a lot left unsaid between the lines of that short article, but I really don't want to go there, so use it for your homework, if you will, please.