16 June 2009

The comic side of the Iran's election

Well, even the most tragic events have a comic side, as a rule. And this specific event, while definitely on the negative side, cannot be called a tragedy, not yet at least. Besides, it was (unfortunately) too easy to predict, if your glasses weren't pink-tinted, of course.

To start with, some amazing responses by political VIPs:

In an unprecedented move last week, Hashemi Rafsanjani, a former president whom Mr Ahmadinejad accused of corruption, wrote to Mr Khamenei complaining that the mudslinging was bringing Iran's political class into disrepute.
Erm... disrepute, no less. Where was this "political class" before going into disrepute?
Among the first to telephone to congratulate him was the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, a fellow scourge of the US. The victory "represents the feeling and commitment of the Iranian people to building a new world," Mr Chavez said in a statement.
I am afraid we have already seen that "new world" a few times in history.
America's Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said the United States was monitoring the outcome of Iran's election and hoped the results reflected the will of the Iranian people.
Definitely yes - some of Iranian people caused their will to materialize.

But of course, the cake belongs to the same old (and I mean old):
Former US president Jimmy Carter said he expected no major change in Iran's policies with Mr Ahmadinejad's reelection.
No major change - fer crying out loud! Of course, it takes Carter to make such an enlightened observation. But wait, this is not all:
"I think this election has bought out a lot of opposition to his policies in Iran, and I'm sure he'll listen to those opinions and hopefully moderate his position," he said.
Oh boy, what will happen now - free lollipops for all? See also Norm's response to that one.

And now, via Soccer Dad, to something entirely different: Roger Cohen, the steadfast fellow traveler.
I’ve also argued that, although repressive, the Islamic Republic offers significant margins of freedom by regional standards. I erred in underestimating the brutality and cynicism of a regime that understands the uses of ruthlessness.
Wow, you are not saying, Roger? But then:
I’ve argued for engagement with Iran and I still believe in it, although, in the name of the millions defrauded, President Obama’s outreach must now await a decent interval.
Let me guess what will be a decent interval for good ole Roger: one... two... three... GO!