11 November 2010

Theo's appeal of the day

From Theo's LAST OF THE FEW:

Many of our readers will know of my mothers recent health problems. What I would like is for every one of our readers to send a get well card to my mum.

I know times are hard for many of you but her health has been ruined by the NHS (read Obamacare) and a few cards and a few good wishes would be appreciated.

Her brother has now evicted her from her home and she needs needs some support.

Anyone wishing to send her a card should sent it to.

Mrs Jilly Spark
c/o Amberley Hall
55 Baldock Drive
Kings Lynn
PE30 3DQ

PS I would like to see her get 1 million cards.

Theo had several requests to make financial donations to help his Mum.

Any donations will be put into a savings account for her. Please donate into the paypal account in the side bar of Theo's blog or enclose with the card.