07 November 2010

Danny Seaman and his fighting exit

In his interview with David Horowitz, Editor's Notes: Danny Seaman’s farewell voyage, Danny claims that he was unjustly persecuted:

I didn’t lose my job. I was criticized for [my positions]... I paid a price with a negative portrayal, with a negative image – that I was a right-winger, an extremist, that people weren’t getting their press cards for political reasons – that has no basis in reality. Yet this became the prevalent attitude.
Oh, Danny boy, how expected and how untrue. You are going, and a good thing it is too, not because of all or any of the above. You are going because you have behaved with journalists like a nine hundred pound gorilla, drunk on the feeling of your own power.A reminder, and another one if you need them.

That's it, now take it like a mensch and go already.