23 November 2010

3 millionth tourist and other news

3 millionth tourist arrives in Israel.

Pastor Jomber Araujo Vladislav, leading a group of 120 evangelical pilgrims from Brazil, was welcomed by Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov and other state officials at the airport in a special ceremony.
Unfortunately for the pastor, he was also randomly selected for a special set of security checks. After the ordeal, the good pastor said "I may never return to Israel" adding, however, that this cloud has a silver lining. "The checks were so thorough that I don't need to visit a dentist, an internist and a proctologist for years to come," he explained.

Culture minister Limor Livnat: No one will shut my mouth. Don't we know it, Limor... so many years the whole country is trying... But maybe now British Petroleum, with their recent experience...

Holocaust-denying bishop threatened with expulsion. From Vatican bowling team, they forgot to add.

UK to check Islamic schools after Sharia claim. The checks are already over, no Zionists detected.

WikiLeaks: New release 7 times size of Iraq logs. Reached an agreement with Google: readers will be paid per page.