Sometimes I wonder whether there is some super-secret organization in this here neck of the woods that deals with a very special career planning. Namely that selects and promotes people that show signs of promise in politics.
If there is such outfit (must be pretty secret if even an Elder is precluded from knowing about it), I would like to know what are their guidelines re IQ of a fitting candidate.
Because you see, I am becoming more and more convinced that there is an upper limit that a candidate cannot pass. And that limit must be somewhere between the average IQ of a guard dog and the average IQ of an alley cat. Notice I am being liberal in my choice of the upper limit, since alley cat is a pretty sophisticated critter.
What was that diversion about? Oh, yeah, politicians. Speaking about which, here comes MK (Member of Knesset) Anastasia Michaeli, who already appeared twice on that blog. This time she decided to reveal her deep knowledge and understanding of psychological roots that guide our brethren to choose the alternative lifestyle. And every word she said on the subject was a revelation, I must say:
MK Michaeli (Yisrael Beitenu), who spoke during a session of the Knesset's Committee on the Status of Women, slammed Channel 10 for featuring programs that show "how nice it is to be gay," and added: "They are miserable, these homosexuals… Eventually they commit suicide at the age of 40."Abuse at a very young age... well, there are different kinds of abuse, I have to add. Like being repeatedly dropped on one's head as a baby. Or summat.
The rightist lawmaker questioned Channel 10's "right to air such programs - which my children (could be watching). How fun it is to put on make-up and wear skirts. These are the same people who want to be women.
"In these shows the homosexual's mother is interviewed and says how miserable she is and that she is divorced from her husband. I want to ask what the (homosexual) went through when he was three years old and why (the parents) are divorced," she told the committee.
"I think most homosexuals are people who experienced sexual abuse at a very young age, and things deteriorated from there," the MK said.
Nothing more in the way of comments, really.
Update: the Internet against MK Michaeli. Of course, the responses are coming. Here are a few from this Ynet selection:
"Congratulations, you homo, you are 40!" this one says.
- Mom, did you know that every tenth person is gay?
- We'll send the next one for adoption.
(Actually Michaeli has 8 kids by now, which make the family 10 strong and must already be a problem for her).