08 June 2012

Amira Hass scores a hat trick

And all she has done was playing according to her employer's rules. First of all, the article as it appears in the front page of Ha'aretz:

Wow, you say, wow, after reading the headline: using Palestinians as dog fodder? Are we some kind of Nazis, indeed? First goal for Amira - and the online editor.

OK, then you read the lede. Hm... so, the soldiers weren't, strictly speaking, using the Palestinians. Well, small consolation, after all they were confiscating private vehicles at will... not very nice, you would agree. Second goal for Amira.

Properly wound up, you open the link to the full article. And you see another lede there (click to read the text):
So the soldiers weren't really confiscating the vehicles. But still, using someone else's vehicle for training purposes is a somewhat non-orthodox approach. Hat trick completed, Amira!

Well, read the whole article.You may find a few more goals there if you make an effort. I couldn't due to some queasiness.

Oh, and here is Amira Hass:

She is, probably, full of more crap than that one article. After all, she churns them almost daily.

And I don't have a dog. My cats died. And I can't train our roaches to attack somebody. But in any case I wouldn't sic a roach at Amira. Roaches are that sensitive.

Hat trick: for football-ignorant - means three goals in a game.