17 June 2012

EPA, USDA, FDA, ATF, FBI, FEMA and CIA Predators spying on farmers

and other innocent and law-abiding citizens. The article in WaPo tries (in vain) to discredit this news. But some people know better. Here comes jon404 with a smashing statement that puts paid to the pathetic denial attempt by WaPo:

USDA has been working for years with the CIA to re-configure General Atomics Predator drones to look like civilian Cessnas, complete with inflatable 'pilots' and 'observers'. A flight of 23 remotely-controlled aircraft operates from a secret field near Gothenburg, Nebraska. Using high-bandwidth uplink technology, the drones are actually 'flown' by operators stationed at Minot AFB in North Dakota.
Yes, inflatable pilots were already tested years ago, here is the proof:

And no one can deny the Krystal Klear information about the dastardly FEMA with its underground bases setting up for martial law, its guillotines and its general dark designs for the New World Order...

The day of reckoning is nigh! Repent, you EPA, USDA, FDA, ATF, FBI, FEMA and CIA lackeys of the World Government. Lay down your laser guns, your jackboots, your black helicopters and return to the ways of Truth.

Because Truth will out.