11 December 2010

The HRC - Crazy or Evil?

HRC is the (in)famous Canadian Human Rights Commission. This time it went so far out on a limb, it looks like there is no limb to stand on anymore. But is it crazy or evil? I would stick to my favorite: never ascribe to malice that which could be explained by stupidity. Stupidity plus the unbeatable ability of a bureaucracy to grow from within and to expand its grasp to domains it was never intended to reach.

Anyhow, the key note is here:

It’s worth noting that not every pilot of Muslim origin ends up on the no-fly list: in fact, Bombardier trained over 32 pilots of Muslim or Middle Eastern origin since 9/11, all of whom had to go through the same procedure as Mr. Latif.
But does HRC care? You tell me.