08 December 2010

The fifty (little) rabbis and their big leader

The report doesn't leave any room for a learned rabbinical self-exculpation, so familiar by now:
Over 40 municipal rabbis signed a petition on Tuesday quoting Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, that Jews should not rent homes in Israel to gentiles. Amongst the reasons given for the prohibition are the danger of intermarriage and the lowering of real estate prices in areas where non-Jews live. Gentiles' "different lifestyle from Jews" can endanger lives, they wrote.
Ironically, in the same edition of JP online:
Israel today is a more pluralistic, multicultural and open society than its socialist founders could ever have imagined.
Yeah, and a sample of exquisite timing it was, for sure.

Anyway, since I am paying my municipal and other taxes from which the salary of these creeps comes - why don't they take a refreshing swim in the Med? It's so bracing and healthy - just don't turn back till you get to Cyprus.