13 August 2010

Winnie Langley RIP - dead because of credit issues

No matter how you spin the story, the article makes it quite clear that Winnie had succumbed because she quit smoking. Only, if you believe the lede,

A pensioner, Winnie Langley, who smoked for more than 95 years and only gave up because she could no longer see the end of a match, has died a month short of her 103rd birthday.
Winnie quit because of her poor eyesight. However, a closer reading of the article points to the real root of the problem:
Winnie Langley had already cut down from her five-a-day habit to just one cigarette last year because of the credit crunch.
Yeah... and of course, the British health authorities didn't see it fitting to provide Winnie in her hour of need with the measly five ciggies per day.

No matter, Winnie has had a good run:
Throughout her life it is thought the defiant OAP, who outlived her husband, son and all of her 10 stepchildren, smoked more than 170,000 cigarettes.
Which goes to prove.

RIP, Winnie.