I have read the CIF post by AKUS Who is Mya Guarnieri? without great deal of interest. Tel Aviv is quite a big place and, as any place like this, has collected its measure of jetsam and flotsam. So one more example doesn't make a difference.
Then I have looked at the blog Ms Guarnieri keeps - it's called Mya Guarnieri, accidentally. The masthead of the blog drew my attention, since something seemed familiar there. Here is the snapshot of it (in case the owner decides to remove it later):Do you see that figure with raised hands on the right? It is surely related to the post Children are just Israel’s latest victims, where Ms Guarnieri protests, in her inimitable way, possible deportation of 400+ children of undocumented migrant laborers.
The figure in that placard is not an original. It is borrowed - from this one, painfully famous, and not only in Israel:
This is one of the most famous photos of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. People have tried to identify the little boy with his hands raised over the years without any success. The SS Trooper with his face to the camera (dumb move) was identifed however as SS- Rottenfuehrer Josef Bloesche by Polish investigators and hunted down. He was tried for war crimes in Poland in 1969 and executed in July of that year. All the captured Jews were sent to the camps and all are believed to have perished there.I doubt that Ms Guarnieri is the author of the placard (although who knows?). But in any case, if she isn't aware of the link between the placard and the picture, she is even more empty-headed than AKUS shows in that excellent post. If, however, she is aware of it, I am not sure I want to know about the contents of her head.
I have done a short self-check, trying to understand my own feeling re Ms Guarnieri.
Outrage? No...
Nausea? No...
Curiosity? No...
Nothing. And this is what she should remain to us, I suggest. Believe me, this is the best way to deal with such critters.
And the question in the headline: leave it alone, please...