16 June 2015

Asghar Bukhari, MPAC UK and the terrifying fate of an anti-Zionist shoe

I thought at first about something to add to the blood chilling story about the MPAC UK founder Asghar Bukhari and his missing shoe, but it appears that the Daily Mail made an exemplary job out of it already. Including the original message about the nightly terror:

I would also advise the reader to watch the interview below to its conclusion:

Of course, it shows only a smidgen of the awesome, Universe-embracing totality of our power, but still it amply demonstrates how easy it is to transform a blithering mindless nincompoop into a... er... a blithering mindless nincompoop.

P.S. In spite of promising not to add anything to the above - I was allowed to make a disclosure. In the picture below you can see the lifeless carcasses of several Muslim shoes that have undergone interrogation in the Mossad underground torture chambers.

To respect Mr. Bukhari's privacy, I shall avoid pointing out his deceased shoe (PBUH) in the picture.

Hat tip to his Assyrian Majesty for the link.