While the Western world is watching from the sidelines the Kurds fighting Daesh practically alone, and applauding limp-wristedly, as usual, one man in the whole world intends to do something about it. The Turkish Caliph wannabe, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, really intends to send his soldiers to Syria - to fight... the Kurds.
The bravery and the self-sacrifice of this long oppressed by all the Middle Eastern countries minority doesn't leave Mr Erdogan apathetic. Far from it: he hates the Kurds even a bit more than he hates the Zionists. So much so that, after years of impotently threatening the murderous Baby Assad regime and doing zilch to help the rebels, he is finally ready to send his troops in the harm way. But not to end the bloodshed, just the opposite.
On Friday, the country’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accused Syrian Kurds of ethnic cleansing. He said: “I am saying this to the whole world: We will never allow the establishment of a state on our southern border in the north of Syria.Yeah. This is the leader of one of the members of NATO, a good buddy of the current POTUS and his diplomatic sidekick.
“We will continue our fight in that respect whatever the cost may be.”
For shame.