First of all:
(Yiddish) a baked or fried turnover filled with potato or meat or cheese; often eaten as a snack
Just one remark re that post:
- People who prepare presentations for executives know the rule of thumb: never put more than 5 (some even say 3) bullets in one slide/page, since executive attention wonders away to its usual foci - sex, cars and alcohol be my bet. This superb post should be broken in about three or four smaller ones and fed to the White House (and other high windows I could mention) over appropriate time period for optimum digestion.
- On the comparison of Sarah Palin's legs with those of Mahmoud the Mad and Vlad the Expaler: the former one never displays his body below his ugly mug, and Vlad, while frequently exposing his upper torso, keeps his lower body covered - probably due to some secret government installation down there. It could be educational to organize a leg competition between the three, but, alas, it will be difficult in our era of mutual distrust.