22 March 2007

More Cool Facts About Israel

"This is what I refer to as hooters hasbara.", says Aussie Dave aka Israellycool, referring both to the decision of Hooters to open a first restaurant somewhere in Tel Aviv and to this:

The beer 'n' babes magazine Maxim will send photographers to Israel next week for an Israeli women photo shoot that Foreign Ministry officials hope redefines what the magazine's hormone-charged readers think when they hear television reporters say "the situation in Israel is hot."
Well, this is the question of terminology. Some may consider the situation hot, but some will call it totally cool. Anyway, to give you some food for thought on the subject, here comes a potpourri of the relevant material, lovingly collected by some unnamed (unless you consider "alon9999" to be a name) connoisseur.

Warning: the contents are not what you would call strictly kosher!
