25 March 2007

Blonds 'no good' in Mideast talks

Says Japanese FM:

Blond, blue-eyed Westerners probably can't be as successful at Middle East diplomacy as Japanese with their "yellow faces," Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso was quoted by media as saying on Wednesday.

"Japan is doing what Americans can't do," the Nikkei business daily quoted the gaffe-prone Aso as saying in a speech.

"Japanese are trusted. If (you have) blue eyes and blond hair, it's probably no good," he said.

"Luckily, we Japanese have yellow faces."
Whatever it takes to reach true peace, dear Mr. Aso. We can live without blonds for a while, if required.

Another thing: besides being less trustworthy, blonds could be awfully distracting

from the peace effort, I mean.
