It looks like the PETA is spreading its poisoned roots to the Middle East now.
An animal rights protester clad in lettuce leaves drew a crowd in the Jordanian capital Amman, but also got the attention of city police. Officers led Amina Tariq, a member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) to a restaurant where she could change out of her leafy garb.It's quite hot in the area right now - about 35 C (95 F), so the restaurant chef could let her stew as she is for a while, although some vinegar/olive oil mix with salt, pepper and a tad of garlic could add a delicious background taste. My preference would be to go for medium-rare, with a side order of baked potato and, possibly, beans. No lettuce.
P.S. Re the placard she was carrying, saying (in Arabic): "Let vegetarianism grow on you": I have been cursed in my life, but this one really takes the cake. Ain't there some limits?