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Simply Jews: Bible stories - in the language you know and love · 8 months ago
Not really. Putin used to be just a thieving mafiosi. Now that he graduated to an ideological fascist mass murdering dictator, his death is guaranteed to result in an improvement.
Sure it can get worse.
This spectacle is quite amazing:
500 Muslims enter a CARREFOUR store in Paris, collect from the shelves all products imported from Israel, destroy them and call for a boycott.
French police did not intervene, the management of the supermarket stays away, other buyers do not intervene. Is this the future of France and Europe?
Just watch the video and be shocked!
Huge decision from Howard Webb to give handball against Hulk. I reckon he's got that one wrong.
— michael owen (@themichaelowen) June 28, 2014
Just cancelling our dinner with Howard Webb!
— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) June 28, 2014
I understand that it takes all kinds to push the science forward, but sometimes I wonder about the ways and means of pushing, as well as about the pushers. Like in this case:
Santa Cruz, CA, May 27, 2014 – A California Public Records Act inquiry, requested by AMCHA Initiative, revealed that San Francisco State University (SFSU) Professor Rabab Abdulhadi received more than $7,000 from SFSU to fly to Jordan, the West Bank and Israel to meet with members of known terrorist organizations. Abdulhadi was the faculty advisor to the SFSU knife-wielding student investigated by the FBI and Joint Terrorism Task Force. She was also caught on tape glorifying terrorism to SFSU students.Read the whole article, it is full of twists and turns like a good thriller.
All's well that ends well. Besides, I dare say that all students were pulled out of that location at some point in time. This specific student was more lucky than an average person, having gone through the process twice already.
The news about the church’s General Assembly decision to divest from companies doing business with Israel wasn't, frankly, a bombshell. It was expected.
The church’s General Assembly voted by a razor-thin margin — 310-303 — to sell stock in Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Motorola Solutions, companies which supporters of the resolution said were involved in demolition and surveillance activities against Palestinians in the West Bank. Two years ago, the General Assembly rejected a similar divestment proposal by two votes.The usual troublemakers (that call themselves "activists", of course) usually prevail in cases like these, when the majority of voting members simply succumb to the vociferous minority with a cause. As it happens, the main motive of the voters is to put an end to endless speechifying and verbal assaults by the said activists, while the voters themselves don't care and couldn't care less about the subject of the vote.
“We are already losing control of our message. Divestment will not end the conflict and bring peace. Divestment will bring dissension,” said resolution opponent Frank Allen, of the Presbytery of Central Florida.But many in the upper layers of the church don't mind the dissension. After all, some of their best friends are Jewish...
Heath Rada, moderator for the church meeting, said immediately after the vote that “in no way is this a reflection of our lack of love for our Jewish brothers and sisters.”Yeah, where did I hear this already? Anyway, to better express their love to their Jewish brothers and sisters, some leaders of Presbyterian church have sponsored the infamous “Zionism Unsettled”, "A how-to guide for class leaders and focused discussion prompts make it an ideal resource for multi-week exploratory education programs in churches, mosques, synagogues, and all classroom settings." I am not sure that many synagogues will fork out the money for the brochure, but many mosques will definitely scoop it up. Judging by the wholehearted approval by David Duke*, this is just the ticket...
Membership in the Presbyterian Church (USA) declined by more than 100,000 last year, according to the 2012 statistics released recently by the denomination’s Office of the General Assembly. It is the single largest annual membership decline since the PCUSA was formed in 1983.
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Several attendants of the Presbyterian General Assembly in Detroit form a prayer circle and sing for Israeli-Arab peace. Two are seen wearing shirts which read: “Another Jew supporting divestment.” |
To be fair to Luis Suarez, I can’t resist an Italian sub either.
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) June 24, 2014
The story is widely spread in the Russian internet sites, but I haven't seen yet its English rendering. So here it comes, in the midst of the summer, but there is always the next Hanukkah (Chanukah or Chanukkah). Whether the story is true - I don't know, but it is all good, I promise. So enjoy and prepare your dreidels.
Everything happens for the first time once. Once upon a time the Israeli Air Force decided on a kind of a flying warning: a supersonic bypass at low altitude. Over a Syrian town of Aleppo, and the flight should have passed the main street of the city. Since then, much Cast Lead was spilled, and every time that Assad mentions in his speech the recapture of the Golan Heights, Israeli jets are visible from his window again.
But then, that first time, it was an experimental trick with a powerful propaganda effect in the form of a strong sonic boom along the flight path, which creates a pressure differential in the front known as the Mach Cone. Since it was the first time and quite a long time ago, when computers were large and cumbersome, the calculation of the best flight altitude was assigned to the IDF eggheads, which, as it happens with theorists, made a mistake of about 100% in their estimates.
The planes flew too low - and all the windows and lights on the main street of the peaceful and quiet Syrian town were shattered. Which was considered by the Israeli military experts an unexpected propaganda effect. It took the surprised Syrians a week to clean the debris from the street, the IDF conducted a usual debriefing, physicists were looking for the unexpected twist in the equations ...
Time passed, and the chief of that Aleppo operation, David Ivry, who later became a commander of the Israeli Air Force, picked up a kid hitchhiker. The kid was a new immigrant from Aleppo (in those days there were immigrants from other than CIS countries). And the boy told him that life in the city of Aleppo in Syria was good to the Jews, none of the Arabs touched them, until suddenly a miracle happened on Hanukkah - and the miracle caused his father to decide to come to Israel. And what, in fact, was that miracle? On Hanukkah, Israeli planes flew over and completely blew out all the windows on the main street - except at the Jewish shops!
- Are you sure about this? - asked Ivry. - Absolutely! - replied the boy, and added: - The Jews used the same glass as everyone else. The same! This is a miracle, and that's it!
Where lies the solution of this phenomenon? - Ivry wondered. And he appointed an investigation committee. So what was the result? A long time ago in Aleppo some Emir or Pasha issued a decree, according to which Jews were forbidden to trade on the main street. And the cunning Jews kept their shops only in lanes perpendicular to the central street. Historically there were none of non-Jewish shops in these alleys. When the devastating Israeli sonic boom has come, the Jewish shops' windows were positioned perpendicular to the sonic boom front, and thus survived intact...
And Aleppo Jews decided that it was a divine sign given to them on Hanukkah - to immigrate to Israel before it's too late .. .
Hat tip: L.G.
For the duration of the next two week, at least.
You all out there - behave.
Not that I know anything about Quakers or Quakers' ways of charity, but this looks extremely curious:
The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) is a Quaker grant making trust founded in 1904 by Joseph Rowntree, which claims to support “people who address the root causes of conflict and injustice.” Despite these high-minded aspirations, however, the JRCT funds a number of extremist organisations:And more on that exciting list of very suspicious outfits benefiting from the largess of Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.
CagePrisoners (£135,000)CAGE (formerly CagePrisoners) is a terrorist support group run by confessed terrorist Moazzam Begg, “Britain’s most famous supporter of the Taliban,” who once admitted to visiting terrorist training camps on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, where he was responsible for “small arms and mountain tactics” training. Begg has recently been charged with terrorism offences following his return from a visit to Syria.CAGE has promoted the conspiracy theory that “9/11 could be insurance fraud” planned by “Zionist billionaires.”
This article from The Telegraph has proved what was quite clear to everyone:
The fair-haired have long endured accusations that they are less intelligent than brunettes, to the extent that an unexpected show of stupidity is now referred to as a ‘blonde moment.’Of course, the jokes about blondes and their alleged stupidity are more a pastime than a belief, that much was clear to everyone. However, if someone felt that this point needs a scientific investigation, so be it.
But blondes should take heart. Scientists have now discovered that hair colour is determined by a single letter of the genetic code – and it is completely unrelated to any other inherited trait.
But the King's popularity took a hit in 2012 over a controversial elephant hunting trip to Africa while the nation was mired in a deep economic crisis.And:
Princess Cristina, the King's youngest daughter, is caught up in a tax fraud and money laundering investigation.These are good enough reasons to throw dirt at the man who headed the difficult transition from the days of Franco to democracy? The man who prevented a coup that endangered the country's future?
According to the agency’s Internal Revenue Manual, TAG’s purpose is to “identify cases handled by Exempt Organizations (EO) Determinations early in the process that may involve an abusive tax avoidance transaction, fraud, or terrorism.”Don't you feel a shiver reading this? I dare say I wouldn't like to fall into one of these three categories, would you? But rest assured, neither abusive tax avoidance nor fraud were a part of what triggered Z Street being investigated by the intrepid TAG. So, as you can see, the one that is left is the big T. How come, you ask? Here it is:
The manager of the IRS’s TAG group, Jon Waddell, said in a sworn affidavit in the Z Street litigation that he determined that Z Street’s application should be referred to the TAG group because its application indicated it “could be providing resources to organizations within Israel or facilitating the provision of resources to organizations within the state of Israel” and that “Israel is one of many Middle Eastern countries that “have a ‘higher risk of terrorism.’”This is mind-boggling. The sheer all-inclusive absurdity of this simple exercise, when the language is dumbed down to suit any nefarious purpose, is awful in its bureaucratic splendor.
Why do I have a feeling that the boy on the right side of this picture is going to fail his next exam?
The New York Post indignant headline MPAA prudes : Too much boob on Eva Green’s ‘Sin City’ poster couldn't have been missed here, in this citadel of free expression. Here comes the poster in question: