22 April 2007

Good riddance of sick Pappe

Ynet reports on the impending heavy loss for Israeli science: Dr. Ilan Pappe is leaving the University of Heifa in favor of greener pastures at University of Exeter.

The learned Dr. is already fighting with the British Jews, complaining in advance of being muzzled. An old trick, characteristic of many so called anti-Zionists.

An article in the British Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), entitled 'Historian hits out at Jewish student lobby,' extensively quoted Pappe as complaining that UK Jewish students have formed a "lobby" aimed at quashing open debate on the Middle East.
Students quashing a professor. Probably by brute force of their younger muscles... For some reason the following version is much easier to buy:
A British-Jewish academic, who asked to remain anonymous, said Pappe's allegations were themselves an attempt to silence opposing voices. "This is not a defense of free speech, but a suppression of it," he said.
Let's see how much time it will take before Dr. Pappe, who is not exactly famous for his social graces, alienates his new colleagues in Exeter. Meanwhile here the spirits are high:
Regardless of events unfolding in the UK, many of Pappe's colleagues in Israel are glad to see him go, according to Menachem Kellner, Professor of Jewish History at Haifa University. "He is not a popular man in Israel, I'm very pleased," Kellner told Ynetnews, adding: "He's done his best to blacken the name of his university, and misrepresented it. I can't be help but be happy about this. Let's hope he stays there."
Yep. Dear Brits - better you than us. Sorry about this. Your decisions about boycott of Israeli goods should have been more forceful, apparently.
