28 March 2007

Oh boy...

A woman was caught with three crocodiles strapped to her waist at the Gaza-Egypt border crossing after guards noticed that she looked "strangely fat," Officials said Monday.

The woman's odd shape raised suspicions at the Rafah terminal in southern Gaza, and a body search by a female border guard turned up the animals, each about 20 inches long, concealed underneath her loose robe, according to Maria Telleria, spokeswoman for the European observers who run the crossing.
One is bound to think first about a new idea by Hamas to start a new kind of warfare, training crocodiles to bite the hated Jooz. But the truth is elsewhere in this case.

While presenting to the public a puritanical mask of a dedicated jihadi, Hamas' chief Ismail Haniyeh, as well as his colleagues, is known to indulge his more base urges in the privacy and seclusion of a certain Gazan club. Many years ago, as a youngster, Ismail was smitten by the formidable act by incomparable Cicciolina and her python.

It so happened that the pet shop in Cairo was out of pythons and the lady in question has decided that crocodiles, being just another kind of reptiles, will do...
