21 February 2010

Oil sheiks brace for decline in worldwide oil demand

According to this news:

Officials said Riyad has been discussing options ahead of forecasts that demand for crude oil would peak over the next decade, a development expected to harm the kingdom's energy industry.
According to other information, more farsighted of the oil sheiks have decided to stock on the vital products:

This Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren fully built in White Gold

Notice the sheiks are queuing for the purchase. It's frightful how poor state of economy pushes people to the extremes.


Anonymous said...

It would be a pleasure to send the oil ticks to the poor house, but not at the expense of the collapse of the West.

jams o donnell said...

Well worth nicking the hubcaps then!

Seriously what sort of inadequate wanker needs to display their wealth in such a vulgar manner....

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I guess it will be a super-rich inadequate wanker.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

They say US has so much oil in undeveloped fields that collapse of the West is not exactly looming. Besides, it's quite the time to find a proper replacement for oil too.

Dick Stanley said...

There is no replacement for oil, whatever you may have heard. And as for the US supply, it is politically inaccessible.

Dick Stanley said...

I mean to say that there is no immediate replacement for oil. If wind or solar were worth anything they'd stand on their own without government subsidies. Which they can't. And even with subsidies they can't replace oil and gas. Let alone coal. Besides, there's no infrastructure to replace oil and gas and won't be for generations. Ergo, there is no replacement for oil.