Of course, charlatans are not any nation's specialty. People who change identities, places and methods are known to escape the attention of gendarmes and judiciary for many years in many countries. But the story of Brett Kimberlin is quite unique. Starting with this (click to enlarge):
In fact, if you look at this article, the man started on the road of crime long before becoming a bomber, but let's not be small minded. You would expect the man to rot in jail. But no, not only he is out of jail, but by now a quite successful entrepreneur, managing a 501(c)3 non-profit that receives serious money from some celebs, including Barbara Streisand, John Kerry’s wife, George Soros-connected Tides Foundation etc. And he didn't resort to identity change or any other misdirection. Amazing, ain't it?
Moreover, he is trying to stifle the voices that try to remind people about his past record and to put a finger on his current (mis)deeds. Actively and quite aggressively. And for some reason* only the conservative part of the American blogosphere stands up to his bullying an harassment. But - but here is a better quote:
Ultimately, this is a free speech issue. Kimberlin and his group of thugs have done their level best to attack everyone in the blogosphere who wrote anything negative about him. Now the blogosphere is starting to wake up, and there are so many critics he can’t possibly intimidate them all.
My friends at the Watcher of Weasels presented quite a selection of posts on the subject:
Brett Kimberlin -- Terrorist
Standing with Stacy McCain
Hurrah! It’s Everybody Blog About #BrettKimberlin Day
Stalking the Blogosphere – BlogBurst Friday for Free Speech
Stalking the Blogosphere – BlogBurst Friday for Free Speech
BlogBurst Friday: Blog About #BrettKimberlin Day
How The Left Does Discourse and Respects Free Speech
Re: Brett Kimberlin Day and at least for today, a true bipartisan issue!
BlogBurst Friday for Free Speech
And the full list of bloggers that have joined the campaign:
Bloggers Standing Against Terrorism in the Blogosphere:
- Aaron Walker
- Ace of Spades
- Adrienne
- All American Blogger
- Apocalypse Paradigm
- Ask Marion
- Backyard Conservative
- Beat Canvas
- Big Government
- BlackFive
- Blazing Cat Fur
- Blog de KingShamus
- Bob Owens asks a central question: Why are Maryland Democrats letting the “Speedway Bomber” get away with terrorism?
- Bookworm Room
- Bruce Kesler at Maggie’s Farm
- Capital Research Center
- Catholic Bandita
- ‘Cause I Said So
- Clayton Cramer
- Conservative Hideout
- Daily Thought Pad
- Daley Gator
- Dan Riehl
- Daria DiGiovanni
- Darth Chipmunk
- DaTechGuy
- Day by Day Cartoon
- Dedicated Tenther
- Doctor Zero: “Oppression fails when we stand together as one.”
- Donald Douglas at American Power
- Doubleplusundead
- Dr. Melissa Clouthier
- Evil Blogger Lady
- Film Ladd
- Fly Over Here
- Fox News
- FreedomWorks
- Full Frontal Nerdery
- Gay Patriot
- Goldfish and Clowns
- Granite Grok
- Gulag Bound
- Hillbuzz and here as well.
- hogewash
- Hyscience
- Instapundit Glenn Reynolds
- iOwnTheWorld
- Ironic Surrealism
- Israel Matzav
- Kathy Shaidle at Five Feet of Fury
- Kim Priestap and here…
- Knowledge Creates Power
- Lady Liberty 1885
- Legal Insurrection
- Liberal Terrorist Pal
- Liberty Chick
- Lisa Graas
- Little Miss Attila
- Markham Pyle, UK Telegraph blogs
- Mark of a Freeman
- Matthew Vadum, Front Page Magazine
- Michelle Malkin
- Midwest Conservative Journal
- New Zeal
- Nice Deb
- NoisyRoom
- Northshore Journal
- Other Half of My Brain
- Patterico
- Pierre Legrand’s Pink Flamingo Bar
- Pirate’s Cove
- PJMedia Tatler
- PL Birnam Wood
- POH Diaries
- Political Junkie Mom
- Popehat
- RedState here and here…
- Reform a Liberal
- Restoring Honor Starts Here
- Rhymes With Right
- Richard Fernandez
- Right Wing Professor
- Right Wing TechnoPagan
- Roderic Deane
- Ron the Cop
- Simple Justice
- Sister Toldjah
- Small Dead Animals
- SocietyBytes
- Something Fishie
- Stix Blog
- Sundries Shack
- That Mr. G Guy
- The American Catholic
- The American Thinker
- The Blaze
- The Camp of the Saints
- The Coalition of the Swilling
- The Free Speech Blog
- The Jawa Report
- The Lonely Conservative
- The Neosecularist
- The Political Commentator
- The Radio Patriot
- The Razor
- The Right Planet
- Twitchy here and here…
- Wake Up America
- Walter Olson at Overlawyered
- Washington Examiner, Mark Tapscott
- Wicca Pundit
- Wintery Night
- Yid with Lid
- Zilla of the Resistance
(*) Well, I am being facetious here. This is the reason the American left puts up with this character: he is useful to them - for now.