30 December 2013

Holy boobs? FEMEN's female warriors push their protest of Xmas in Bethlehem

This is what the regional pundits from Albawaba say. Being a sympathizer of this wondrous team of Ukrainian ladies, I was eagerly anticipating their appearance in Bethlehem, but it didn't materialize after all, at least not so far. So all I have to offer is a picture from some other holy location, but a recent one, at least:

Hm... I don't know... is a religious cleric allowed to tackle a semi-nude lady in this decidedly un-gentlemanly way?

You tell me. As for the statement "I am God" on the front parts of the lady: could we agree on "Goddess"?


SnoopyTheGoon said...

Well, Christianity is a mystical religion, so I suppose she's in the spirit of it, anyhow. I do wonder why these protesters aren't better looking, though I suppose the better looking have better things to do.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I always thought the French were goofy. I don't see any female job discrimination based on weight in the U.S., generally, but I'm sure I'm not seeing the whole picture.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I would say there are quite a few good looking. The problem, I suspect, is that they are being photographed not at best of moments, usually when fighting cops or other officials.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

That slimming down craze in France is something...

SnoopyTheGoon said...

This does nothing to help their "cause" except to show what sluts and whores they are.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Oi! And I hoped...