07 September 2008

Having sex in Dubai - how not to

Probably it (having sex in Dubai) is possible , but one should do it just like the proverbial hedgehog - very very carefully. Witness:

A British couple is facing up to six years in prison for allegedly having public sex near the surf in Dubai, a split-personality emirate that toys with Western permissiveness but is ruled by Islamic tenets. The couple - Vince Acors and Michelle Palmer - face up to six years in jail for indecency and having unmarried sex.
And, according to the article at least, they even haven't really had sex. Islamic tenets... right.

Another matter that seems to be related to the tenets:
A Palestinian woman died after her father buried her alive claiming he wanted to preserve the "family honor."
More on this case from Elder of Ziyon.

It is not that Bible is much more permissive than Koran. It is just that the unbearable urge to act on these parts of the Bible seems to be largely absent lately, while adherents of Koran are getting more and more eager.