04 September 2008

Amy Winehouse' 1st OD: cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, ketamine and crystal meth

This is just a minor detail of the story. I am amazed by the level of details: this list really comes from an expert, methinks.

Shocking details of Amy Winehouse’s drug use emerged Sunday night — including a report that she binged on crystal meth and may have brain damage after a 36-hour marijuana marathon.
Brain damage? What brain?
"The future is bleak, bleak, bleak," the friend said yesterday.
The story is old, old, old...


Ya Mum's Bum said...

Leave her alone. Drugs are awesome. I'd take em more often if I could afford it.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Gosh, Ya Mum's Bum, thank you, dear, you have opened my eyes!