This is a wow news item:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon on Tuesday evening.This is wartime, and the outbursts of idiocy like that one should be paid for.
MK Danny Danon: "I won't (accept) the weak, leftist spirit of the prime minister."Not my cup of tea, Mr Netanyahu, far from being so, but in this case he should be lauded. Good riddance of bad Danon...
And there are a few other cases, one of them aptly characterized by David Horovitz in the article Liberman’s unacceptable war on Netanyahu.
If the foreign minister thinks the prime minister is doing a lousy job, he should either shut up when outvoted or quit, not publicly undermine the PM at the height of a bitter conflict with Hamas.There is time for everything, and this is not the time to gobble on every street corner like a demented turkey.
P.S. Just for reference:
Danny Danon.
Danny Danon.
Danny Danon.