Fitting our troubled times that this happens when the merchant of hate speaks.
5 minutes ago
Come meet the Elders.
Simply Jews - a cabal of critically undermedicated schemers.
Fitting our troubled times that this happens when the merchant of hate speaks.
I'm glad that he's under an exclusion order here. If he or David Dukes or a number of Kahanists tried to enter the country they would be turned around and booted back to the US
Oh, so he is under exclusion in UK? Good thing that.
He was barred from entering the UK back when I worked in Immigration in the late 80s through to the early 90s
Nice to know that someone in UK cares enough.
Yeah, there is a whole different set of standards in the US concerning hate speech depending on whether the person committing it is black or white. It has become standard overthe last 40 years to accept vile bigoted attacks from blacks that would never be accepted from whites. Not sure if this is because whites are sacred of blacks or are being paternalistic towards blacks in a head patting patronizing way or a combination of both.
President Obama's Minister for more than 20 years, the Rev. Jerrold Wright was an admirer of Farakhan. Thought that would sink Obama's campaign, but it did not. Obama made a speech that masterfully played to white guilt feelings and got away with it.
PS: Shaun, I am glad to hear that Britain has barred Farakhan along with David Duke etec. Good to see that the UK treats all bigots regardless of their color the same.
Yeah, Farakhan is running unchecked for way too long. Well, he will run out of air to poison one of these days...
It's been a bit ht or miss. I think it's right that Farrakhan, Dukes, the Ropers and certain Arch Kahanists are barred from the UK. We have enough poison peddlers! That said it has been a bit unevenly applied.
Not the Ropers I meant the Phelps!
I know whom you mean. And I agree with what you are saying.
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