08 November 2010

Oy vey, Debka... and a missile fired from an American warship

The latest one makes my usual title "Oh Debka, Debka..." somewhat insufficient. This time Debka people have outdone themselves:

First US targeted assassination in Gaza pre-empts next Al Qaeda offensive

A missile fired from an American warship in the Mediterranean hit the car in which Muhammad Jamal A-Namnam, 27, was driving in the heart of Gaza City Wednesday, Nov. 3 and killed him...
Yeah, here is a picture of that missile:

And here is a picture of devastation that it caused around the impact point:

Like a drug addict that has to increase the dose from time to time to satisfy his craving as time passes, Debka has to raise the crapola content of the stuff its "exclusive counter-terror sources" provide. The article with it tightly woven web of names, places and intelligence outfits reads suspiciously close to the style of incomparable Wayne Madsen. Using the Madsen's logic, one should assume that he is now moonlighting for Debka...


jams o donnell said...

A Us missile hit its target? Surely it was actually aimed at Malta....

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I say it was aimed at Ibiza.

Pisa said...

I say it was aimed at Debka...

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Oh... never dreamed about it yet...

David All said...

It was definitely aimed at Teheran, but unfortunately did not have enough fuel to get there so it was diverted in flight to Gaza.
(Makes as much sense as what Debka writes). 

David All said...

Snoopy, maybe this was the missile that Debka was talking about:
"Pentagon Can't Explain 'Missile' off California" at http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/11/09/national/main7037857.shtml?tag=cbsContent;cbsCarousel

Dick Stanley said...

Whatever it was, the FBI has definitely ruled out terrorism. Like they always do. Which suggests they know all the terrorists.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Excellent explanation of the mystery, David!