02 January 2007

Wayne Madsen - is he for real?

A short Wiki entry on Wayne Madsen, after citing his various exciting occupations:

Madsen was formerly a Senior Fellow of the Electronic Privacy Information Center. He has some twenty years experience in computer security and data privacy. He was a communications security analyst with the National Security Agency in the 1980s, and an intelligence officer in the US Navy.
proceeds to his, probably most famous, quote:
Madsen is the author of America's Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II, who said in a Hannity and Colmes interview, "I've written, making comparisons between Bush and Hitler".
The man certainly does not mince his words, like in the recent opus* on Saddam's demise:
It was announced by the Iraqi puppet government of Nouri al-Maliki that Saddam is to be buried in a secret grave. The U.S. occupation forces are still looking for someone to take custody of Saddam's personal belongings.

Imre Nagy was buried in a secret grave. He was reburied with full honors in a public grave in 1989. His widow received Nagy's personal belongings a few days after his execution.
If you agree with validity of Saddam - Nagy comparison, the Bush - Hitler will go easy with you, probably. Anyway, this penchant for showy sentences attracted me to Mr. Madsen.

The picture above shows some kind of an overweight chipmunk doing his best to contain and suppress a humongous flatus. And it comes from Madsen's own site (see About). However, there is a sharp mind behind this misleading exterior. The problem is that there are some wires loose in this mind, and the result is a meaningless jumble of information. Follows an example of an "in-depth" analysis:
WMR has previously reported on Scaramella's connections to Michael Penders, a former counsel for the Environmental Protection Agency's Criminal Enforcement Division. More interesting is Scaramella's connections to two one-time former officials of Lockheed-Martin who participated in Scaramella's ECPP conference at Gaeta, near Naples, in November 2002. The two former Lockheed-Martin officials were Prof. John Siambis of MIT, former Director Division Missiles & Space Lockheed & Martin, Member HTWG ECPP (president plasma s.g. [the conference attendees had a special interest in the plasma wind tunnel at the Italian Center for Aerospace Research - CIRA] ) and Prof. Lee Lundsford, retired Director Space Transportation Division Lockheed & Martin. Penders attended the Gaeta conclave along with Ali Hussen, listed as the "Ambassador of Somaliland." Somaliland, the former British Somaliland, has declared independence from Somalia but it has not received diplomatic recognition from any other country. Scaramella's Somali connections dovetail with those of "Malauna Shaikh Abdul Hadi" Massimo Palazzi, the so-called Secretary General of the Cultural Institute of the Islamic Community in Italy who is also linked to a number of neo-Fascist and ultra-Zionist organizations.
If you are a bit delirious after reading it, do not be surprised: it is actually about the reasons to poison the Russian ex-KGB officer Litvinenko. But it does not stop here. In another article:
The source of Litvinenko's "death bed" photo, which was shopped successfully to the world's media, was Bell Pottinger, a British public relations firm headed by Tim Bell, also known as Lord Bell of Belgravia. Bell is a former Saatchi & Saatchi public relations guru who became Margaret Thatcher's top spin doctor who is now closely linked to top public relations spinmeisters in Tony Blair's "New Labor" Party machine. Bell, who is the top PR handler for Berezovsky, has also counted among his clients the late Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, South Africa's National Party (the party of the apartheid regime) (Bell's pro-apartheid PR counterpart in Washington during the 1980s was none other than Jack Abramoff), Thatcher's African mercenary-imbued son Mark Thatcher, the government of Saudi Arabia, News Corporation's Rupert Murdoch, Berezovsky's patron Boris Yeltsin, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei, "Friends of Alexander Litvinenko," and the "democracy" campaign in Iraq in association with Dubai-based Bates PanGulf and the media consultancy Balloch & Roe.
I hope you are able to hold onto the last slivers of sanity, because yet another blow follows, from yet another piece:
With Scaramella now under arrest in Italy and all investigative roads -- the forged Niger documents, the kidnapping and rendition by U.S. and Italian agents of an Egyptian Imam in Milan, dirty tricks against Prodi, the Pentagon's pre-war connections to Rome-based Iranian Mossad asset Manucher Ghorbanifar, and the U.S. assassination of SISMI deputy chief Nicola Calipari in Baghdad -- now leading to Rome, Italy may hold the key to much more than Scaramella's dubious business dealings. That key may unlock the door of the identities of the actual perpetrators of the 9/11 and other terrorist attacks in London, Madrid, Beslan, Istanbul, and Casablanca.
There is ample evidence in the three passages quoted above. It is sufficient to either arrest half of the planet population for various crimes against humanity, or, which would seem simpler, to confine Mr. Madsen in a padded room for the time sufficient to cure him of the impression that he is a standalone cross-reference computer with combined capacity of all existing hardware.

Neo-fascists, Somalians, professor from MIT, Iranian Mossad asset, neocons, Boris Yeltsin, Nicola Calipari, Lord Bell of Belgravia, ultra-Zionists (of course), my brain if frying, mom i need some cold cat liver please mom do not leave me alone... where is that pink button i have to blow up zambezi WHO STOLE MY YELLOWCAKE AAARGHHH///)()#!((1.....

(*) I didn't find a way to link directly to the article in question on Madsen's site, so my apologies to the readers.
