04 September 2010

Friedman's false history

Remember Thomas Friedman? That august voice of voices coming from the uber-august NYT? The one that writes books, editorials, knows it all and is the paragon of all that is good in the modern journalism? The one that has more Pulitzers than money (or is it the other way around, it's hard to know in this case)?

Anyway, that Tom Friedman that rains brimstone and sulfur on the lowly bloggers who, in his opinion, crawl in "Internet disinformation sewers". And, like, totally loses self-control in the process...

So here comes a great blogger* who can teach Tom a lot about integrity, about respect to others (and, accidentally, about self-respect too) and shows in a superb post Friedman's false history how a journalist must NOT behave - that's re disinformation. He also shows that Tom, as a journalist, should go and stick his head... but you better go and read that post. It's a doozy, I promise.

(*)And a mensch too.