12 November 2013

A russian soldier that has broken Greenpeace resistance

From the clip attached to this article:

Click to enlarge
Methinks that this balaclava was designed by some secret department of psychological (or is it psychiatric?) warfare of Russian army. There is visible influence of early Pablo Picasso with a touch of Modigliani, I have to say, but the Scream series come through overwhelmingly strong.

I submit that military use of such wear be investigated, regulated and eventually forbidden by a special Geneva convention. This is just too much.


SnoopyTheGoon said...

In a post some time ago I have pointed out that Polonium could be purchased on-line without any problem, and sprinkling a bit over the dear deceased (diseased?) stiff is not an enterprise too difficult for the characters involved. Oh well...

SnoopyTheGoon said...

They gotta have a martyr.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Let them...

SnoopyTheGoon said...


It's possible that Suha tempered with the samples, but... Highly unlikely.

A typical Po-210 source would have 1000 Bq of activity. They come as metal needles (still fairly safe quantity, although I'd rather not have it for lunch).

These guys measured hundreds of mBqs, that's activity million times less than a typical source. It would be too complex for Suha to contaminate Yassir's underpants with such low levels using a source.

We are talking about elevated levels, which can be found in environmental samples. Phosphate ore would have similar quantities of Po210. Here is an example showing how much Po210 you get naturally: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/nuclear/radioprotection/publication/doc/132_annex_a_en.pdf (a very well written report, if I may say so).

An average Brit eats about 100 mBq of Po210, for goodness sake! (I would expect this number to be higher for Middle East; you have more NORM).

The report is dumb. I thought it was mass media misinterpreting the report, but having read the report, I absolve NY Times.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I heard from sources that the Fakistinians sprinkled Arafat's body with a substance when they took the samples. I heard this substance was schmaltz and this is what the scientists found.

But I could be wrong too.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

OK, got it. I blame gefilte fish anyway now.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Looks solid.