28 February 2013

Budweiser Sued for Watering Down Beer? What the...

That headline immersed me in some grave thoughts. First of all because I have tasted Bud once. And than, of course, because of the immortal:

We find your American beer like making love in a canoe. It's fucking close to water.
Strange world we live in...

P.S. And this too.


SnoopyTheGoon said...

Shiner Bock beats the American norm, though almost any other American beer is better than Budweiser. The craft beer movement has produced a lot of good stuff, though they generally neither sell nor ship beyond their city of origin. As for love in a canoe, the only probably I ever notice was the tippy nature of the craft.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

"almost any other American beer is better than Budweiser"

Jokes aside, I really do dig quite a few American beers, esp from smaller local breweries.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Thanks for the link to Oscar. Though is it real?

There are a number of UK published books on graffiti, indeed, my sister got one in, and so did I. In this context, there was one that related to "X"'s beer (I just can't remember the brand), and it was "rowing boat" rather than canoe. Same difference.

My sister's was that she spotted one in a ladies lavatory: "Van Dyck is a lesbian truck driver" (this in the UK); mine was also in a toilet, men's I insist: on the condom machine, someone had written "this chewing gum tastes awful". To me, the response was obvious: "Ah, but what bubbles".

I promise that I submitted the first, but not the second.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

The link to Oscar, like most of the material on Uncyclopedia, is fake. But they are fun...