11 October 2011

Nikolai Valuev as female yeti

Nikolai Valuev aka The Russian Giant aka The Beast from the East aka Sugar aka Goliath, a retired professional boxer and former two-time WBA heavyweight champion, has decided to dedicate some of his time to science. Well, science of a kind: on an expedition to the Azasskaya cave the role assigned to Valuev was to impersonate a female yeti in the hope that yeti males will be attracted by this live bait. The reasoning behind the idea was that Valuev, while certainly one of the largest humans in existence - 2.18 m (7 ft 2 in), is still not up to male yeti standard, thought to be in the region of 2.7 m. Here is Valuev in action (on the left, of course):

Unfortunately, according to the report, male yetis were not all that excited by the bait (I wonder why) and the meeting of minds didn't take place.

However, aside of making contact with a live yeti, the expedition was a total success, with multiple finds of yeti traces of all kinds. In addition, ESP experts of several kinds who were part of the expedition, reported on feeling yetis' presence in the area.

Well, I personally feel that the yeti's case is almost sewed and shut. Next time, though, I would suggest to perfume Nikolai with different substances every time he is being sent out for contact. Who knows...