Jacob Da Jew hit me between the eyes with a meme more than a month ago, and what with the usual Elder's duties and natural forgetfulness, I have recalled it only now. Here are the rules:
- Write one superpower you would like to have and what you would do with it.
- Write why you chose that super power over everything else.
- Tag and link lots of people, and write why you think they will have an interesting meme.
- Fix your broken links.
Firestarter abilities. Why is very simple: I see it as a great helper with starting the grill going and lighting my cigarettes whenever that darn lighter gets lost.
I am aware, by the way, that I wouldn't be able to replicate the Gorgona-like hair effects, for some technical reasons we'll not go into for the moment.
As for the folks I am hitting with the meme:
Lesley - she must already possess a few powers, I am more than sure. Let's see which one she wants in addition.
Andrew Ian Dodge - he is an expert in that realm.
No Good Boyo. Being of Welsh extraction, he must be good in all kinds of magic skulduggery.
Paul. Hope he will find a minute for this. It could be expressed in the haiku format too, I guess.
Katie. I don't know why I include females, by the way, like they need any additional powers. Still, one must give equal opportunity.
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