16 February 2006

Putin's guests

Only people with some knowledge of Russian language and history will enjoy the picture.
Sorry, folks, it is not easily translateable.

Hodoky k Putinu

I shall try to explain. "Hodoky" means literally "walkers", but a second and relevant here meaning is "petition-bearers". As the popular myth goes, Lenin was fond of receiving all kinds of petition-bearers himslef, listening to their tales of woe and, of course, immediately satisfying their requests. Mostly it is a bullshit myth, of course, as many of the others created in the Soviet propaganda school. A lot of Soviet jokes and other folklore was built upon this myth.

The picture above is just a remake of the famous in USSR picture (actually, there were hundreds of variations of the same topic) that appeared in millions of school books and other publications.

Of course, the remake relevance to the current Middle East developments is clear. I hope it will be not deemed offensive to any religion.

Here is one of the original pictures (I wasn't successful in finding the exact one that matches the remake): (update: it is the correct original now, thanks to a visitor here)

I hope it made the whole business clearer now...