19 February 2006

The 11th Commandment continued.

Further good news, Elders!

Neil Berry, one of our most effective operators, has been working well for us in the fraught and dangerous task of infiltrating both Al Jazeera and - let the trumpets sound - The Muslim Weekly. Our work is done as evidenced by Neil's elaborate double bluff squared here.

....Just as Chelsea football club could never have achieved their current pre-eminence but for the monumental financial resources of Roman Abramovich, so Blair's political success would scarcely have been possible without the largesse which Lord Levy did so much to furnish. Though little has been made of it, it is no secret that David Cameron is likewise being bankrolled by well-disposed businessmen, among them them, the carpet magnate, Lord Harris of Peckham, the proprietor of the Jayroma clothing company, Michael Feldman, the media mogul, Michael Green and the chief executive of the Next chain, Simon Wolfson (who was lately appointed Cameron's adviser on economic competitiveness and wealth creation).....

Blah blah: "sharp awareness of the imperatives of contemporary merchandising. What is also striking is that not a little of that money has been provided by Jews"; blah blah: "to invite the sort of moral obloquy that is visited on holocaust-deniers or on those who believe that there is an international Jewish conspiracy; it is, moreover, to solicit the eagle-eyed attention of Bicom (the British-Israel Communication and Research Centre), the formidably efficient Zionist lobbying organisation which specialises in the instant rebuttal of comment deemed prejudicial to the Jewish state"....

Neil's cunning strategy of agreeing that we Elders control Chelsea FC and Messrs. Tony 'n' Dave whilst masking the fact he is on the Elders' payroll (Sharp Imperative Contemporary Merchandising section) is masterly. And here comes the payload:

"Yet imagine what would happen if a candidate for one of Britain's leading parties were revealed to to be receiving financial backing from, say, Hindu, or, worse still, from Muslim businessmen. What would be the reaction if Cameron's patrons included wealthy Muslims such as Mohammed al Fayed or Shami Ahmed, the enterprising young British Asian who developed the Manchester-based fashion empire, Joe Bloggs?

See how sharply cunning Neil is? He - with deliberate inaccuracy - asserts that absolutely no successful Hindu or Muslim businessmen has ever made a donation to any of the political parties in Britain. But why is this? Surely, you ask, such tycoons must wish to rub shoulders with the powerful by the usual route - donations to the parties, to charities, tickets to Chelsea FC etc? How is the generosity of such businessmen thwarted?

Heh, heh, heh. We Elders don't let them give! When a cheque arrives at AnyPoliticalParty HQ bearing a non-Jewish signature, our forgery team gets to work and - shazam - Chomsky-Finkelstein it is. Just like that. We kill two (non-flu bearing) birds with one stone by this brilliant trickery - the Jews are made to look even richer and more powerful than they are and the Hindus and Muslims are humiliated by being made to look poor, powerless and, frankly, lacking in social skills.

See how well Neil accomplishes our mission? Ladies and gentlemen a round of applause - Neil Berry!