Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, Likudnik or Labour, whether you support Senator Rubio on other issues or not: here is a brilliant, fact-based delivery of salient points and a scathing response to the propaganda efforts revving up in White House and State Department lately.
Thank you, Senator Rubio.
33 minutes ago
What a man - good for him. Thanks for this, Snoopy.
A decade ago I would have refused to believe that in a developed country a moron like her could became an university professor. Today I know that this is absolutely possible even she belongs to the mainstream majority.
Indeed. I was just going to send you a link to that. It's especially significant in that Rubio is an opponent of the GOP establishment's favored 2016 presidential candidate Bush 3. And Rubio would not be doing this if he didn't know that a majority of the country would agree with him.
Fart, Barf & Itch, the wiretappers of Dr. King in the 60s, were arseholes before TSA came along. I expect her accusations about them are true.
I don't know about the rest of her rant, but the smoking on the plane is nice to see again. I do my own bit of smoking disobedience weekly on Austin city property where there are signs banning it outdoors. I ignore them. Occasionally a minion comes out and admonishes me. I ignore them.
Which is probably the Kim's subtle way of explaining to his prisoner-citizens why he dare not nuke the U.S.
Although I would not vote for him, Rubio is probably the strongest Republican candidate. Any Republican candidate has to carry Florida or the election is over before it begins. Rubio has a chance to do this. He would also have a chance to make inroads into the Democratic lock on Latino voters. His immigration policy which would help him win a general election would ironically make it difficult for him to get the Republican nomination.
Jeb Bush, who I consider to be another viable Republican candidate due to his ability to possibly win Florida in a General election, has just taken James Baker as an advisor. Baker is anti Israel, and just spoke at a J street conference.
Bush 3 is the GOP establishment's pick and so will likely get the nomination, only to be beaten by the Hildabeast if she runs, or some other minority or woman does. Bush 3 would be little more than a repetition of Barry Hussein when it comes to Israel. Like Barry, Bush 3 will say anything to get nominated and elected and then do as he and his cronies please.
OT, here's where your odd exit-polling may have come from, if the largely left papers that ran those strangely similar results would ever admit where they came from: http://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/us-orchestrated-anti-bibi-bomb-may-bite-its-backers/2015/03/16/0/
It's the latest bit of law-breaking from Barry Hussein and his pals.
Mixed metaphors, at best.
You are welcome, as you know ;-)
Yup. Too bad.
He is definitely a bright man. Although, why I have a suspicion that he will disagree with me on Cuban blockade?
You know, it is very possible that they locked her up for a short time and then completely forgot about her. Happens.
As for your habit of irritating the government bull - could be costly if they decide to fine you.
Thanks Dick, this is a very curious aspect of the V15 angle. V15 was very (in) famous here for the period of the elections, but hardly came up beforehand. Very interesting indeed.
In a funny way, though.
See this Snoopy. This is an university professor too - in Israel
My analysis of Rubio's candidacy is based only on demographics. I do not know what kind of a candidate he would make as far as charisma, or hidden skeletons. Although I like his Israel views, I don't like most of his domestic policies.
Rubio seems to me to be basically a RINO, like the GOP establishment, except for his views on Israel. Given that Bush Senior has one foot in the grave, maybe the establishment view will become more GWB and Rubio and less Baker and J Street.
Could be. I need to find a tree to hide behind, maybe.
Oy vey. Communications department... what a choice cut of dreck. Thanks for the tip, Peter.
This is why I usually don't argue about the US elections, not being informed. Anyhow, I think it is good to stay out of other country's elections. Murky waters, that.
Remember that tree in Arab mythology that shouts "here is a Jew behind me!" ;-)
Yeah. Have you seen the comments?
On his facebook page? Mixed.
That is true, but the anti-GOP and anti-Rubio and anti-Israeli sentiments come through with a force to be noted.
Hard to judge how representative any internet comments really are.
Apparently, 300 thousand people signed a petition to jail senators who wrote anti-nuclear deal letter to the Mullahs.
And - I am guessing - a quarter of Americans express various degrees of support for the 9/11 truther movement.
And somehow Obama got re-elected.
There is a lot of bad news and statistics out there, but the speech is still awesome. He says it like he means it.
That true, it is a good speech.
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