22 October 2013

Netanyahu the converso

Nahum Barnea hits the bull's-eye in this article:

Netanyahu's determination dissipates as soon as he realizes that if he continues to insist he'll pay a personal price. This is his breaking point. He is not the only politician who acts this way. If Netanyahu is different from other politicians, it is in the effort he invests in denial.
Just like Nahum Barnea, I (and many other people) think that there is nothing wrong with a pragmatic prime minister. However:
Unfortunately, the process Netanyahu goes through again and again is no state secret. The Iranian enemy knows; this is why it disregards the threats issued by Israel. The American ally knows; this is why John Kerry threatens to bring the stagnating peace negotiations with the Palestinians to the moment of truth, when he will force Abbas and Netanyahu to pay a price for running away from decisions. The ultra-right faction within Likud also knows, and it is preparing for battle.
We shall see fairly soon what develops, I guess. On both subjects Barnea mentions.


SnoopyTheGoon said...

If he lets Lurch and Obutthead take him down, he's a sad case.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

The ring in the nose is not fetching, I grant you. Now that I look closely I can see it. But, quite frankly, I prefer her face to her arse.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Well, I wouldn't argue the tastes. Consider me neutral on the subject...

SnoopyTheGoon said...

I'm not getting the "converso" connection.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Oh, Barnea made it in the beginning of the article, and it's a bit artificial indeed, but the rest of it (the article) is quite good.